unexpected meeting

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"Go on ahead Yams, i'm gonna skip today." Tsukishima said to his best friend as he stopped at the library door.

"OK Tsukki!" Yamaguchi replied, continuing on to class.

Tsukishima walked into the library and found the section he needed.

He went to grab a book when he saw someone.

Their head was tucked in their arms and they seemed to be asleep. Their fringe gracefully fell in a diagonal way, leaving only a portion of the face to be seen.

That when their appearance hit Tsukishima.

It was Kageyama.

Tsukishima would probably never admit it out loud, but Kageyama was Hella cute, especially while sleeping.

He grabbed the book he needed, then went over to the boy.

The younger seemed to have been studying before he dozed off, his notes on the subject were surprisingly neat and organized.

Tsukishima sat down only one seat away from the other, reading his book but also keeping an eye on the other boy.

A few minutes later, Kageyama woke up.

He opened his eyes and a bright light flooded them.

Then he remembered he was in the library, trying to study.

Kageyama sat up, rubbing his eyes.

"Hello, king."

He jumped and looked over, seeing the taller, blonde boy.


"Yes, who else looks like me?"

Kageyama rolled his eyes, "well sorry I didn't think you'd ever choose to sit anywhere near me."

"And I never thought I'd see you at the library...Studying. life is full of surprises isn't it?"

Again Kageyama rolled his eyes, scoffing this time, "is it wrong to study now?"

"When it's you yes. I thought you only studied when I tutored you. No wonder you're smarter than the shrimp, even if it's just by a little bit." Tsukishima replied absent-mindedly

"Hey! I do study on my own! And I am way smarter than Hinata!" Kageyama said, trying to keep his voice down.

"Defensive are we?" Tsukishima snickered


"Hm ok." Tsukishima said before going back to his book.

And Kageyama went back to his notes.

After a while Tsukishima noticed how focused Kageyama was, he hadn't even complained like usual. Perhaps he only wanted to give tsukishima trouble when he complained.

He seemed to be doing fine on his own, despite getting confused here and there, but he managed to figure it out.

Once the bell had rung they both stood, packed their things up, and left for class.


Despite Kageyama's Best efforts, he never seemed to do anything correcting, or atleast to his standards. He wanted to be perfect. This was a thought he never shared.

Kageyama had many thoughts, some he didn't share some he did.

The ones he didn't share were either dark, he didn't know how to express them, or they confused even him.

Normally it was dark or he didn't know how to express them.

But let me tell you when Kageyama first opened his eyes after waking up in the library, the first thing he saw was Tsukishima, and he looked Ethereal, angelic, to the setter, at least.

This was a thought that confused him, therefore he didn't share, pretending he never saw anything and moved on.

Despite trying to move on, it haunted him.

Seeing him like that made him question many things.

But one question was one he needed answered.

How can you love someone you hate?

...or maybe only you think you hate him.

This was all unexpected for Kageyama. He had never felt Love before, he didn't think it would start now.


Tsukishima was a simple person with a complex mind.

He didn't realize half the things that went through his mind.

But he did realize he had thought Kagayama was cute.

This was of course a fact to Tsukishima by now, he never realized it, he never paid attention to any thoughts like that.

He now knew the setter was ridiculously pretty.

He knew Kageyama was Cute, even Hot. And he was fun to tease.

These are all things he thought were expected, because how could you not fall for the King?


This is kinda short, especially for what I normally write, but I hope I can get longer chapters. I just had a bit of writer's block while writing the end so I stopped it here.

Have a good day, take care!

𝐞𝐱𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐝, 𝐮𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐝 - 𝙩𝙨𝙪𝙠𝙞𝙠𝙖𝙜𝙚/𝙠𝙖𝙜𝙚𝙩𝙨𝙪𝙠𝙞Where stories live. Discover now