The Introduction

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Ambers pov

"Hey, Nicolas right?" I asked.

"Yeah, but you can call me Nick," he replied.

"Well hi Nick, I'm Amber!" I introduced myself.

"Nice to meet you," he said while we were walking to class.

"What do you have next?" I examined his schedule, "nice! English, same as me, I'll walk to class with you."

"Sweet... Has anyone ever told you, you have the most beautiful eyes ever?" He asked, seeming to be embarrassed.

"Well, thank you," I chuckled.

"Well, here's our English class," I told him.

"Is the teacher nice?" He asked.

"Yeah, she's super funny, her name is Mrs. Cultice." I explained.

Then, all of a sudden, I see Leo sprinting towards us.

"Hey bitch" he said to me, panting and sweating.

"Hey slut" I greeted him.

"Wow, nice way of greeting each other.." Nick said.

"Oh, wow, Amber! You're not even going to introduce me to your GORGEOUS friend" Leo said, wiping sweat from his face.

"Well, Leo, this is Nick, Nick this is my slut Leo," I said to them.

"Bitch! I'm the slut? You're the one who's dated the entire football, basketball, and baseball team! Including the girls," Leo accused.

"Wait! You're bisexual? Me too!" Nick confessed.

"Called it", Leo practically shouted.

"Umm... Is it really that noticeable?" Nick said, very embarrassed.

"No, Leo just has a very distinct gaydar.." I said trying not to laugh.

"It's true!" Leo sang in a very high-pitched voice.

The bell rang so we went into class and right away Mrs. Cultice threw a shoe at a kid she doesn't like in our class.

"Umm, should I be scared?" Nick asked, sounding very scared.

"No, she just does that to the people she hates, so don't get on her bad side" I explained.

"Ok....?" Nick said, sounding confused.

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