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We finally reach her house, and the others is already here and Sana is still talking to guards, while I brought tzuyu upstairs, she still faint..

I told to nayeon that brought a medicine and also bottle of water, it's will prepare if she already wake up..

I laid her on her bed and remove my cap and put on the desk first and seat on her bed, until the door open and reveal nayeon, and I just get up and get the medicine and glass of water from her, I thank her before she get outside..

I put the medicine on the desk and put the glass of water on the desk first, I decided to remove my suit first and put on the hang..I go on bathroom first to wash my face..

We finally get the justice and only dad and her dad is still not on jail..I still remember that he really kill Irene, after Irene told me that tzuyu is alive and Sally and tzuyu is just one person..

I really shock on it, that's why I go back on orphanage to know if it's true, and it's true because I hear it all from her even I'm still outside of sunny room that time..

But we both get fine to each other, after she told me the reasons..

When I'm done, I just wipe my face by the towel, but I saw my white shirt becomes wet..aiish stupid..

I remove my shirt and just trow it on the basket first, and get out on the bathroom to get my suit, but when I look up, I saw her seating already on her bed while rubbing her eyes and when she open her eyes and meet my eyes, I saw that her mouth start to parted when she saw my half nake body and I also saw how she eyeing me up and down, a smirk form on my lips, looks like I don't want to wear my suit anymore, I just brush my hair and walk towards on her desk and grab the glass of water and the medicine and I just seat on her bed and give the medicine on her, I saw that she trembling while getting the medicine and the water from me, and she start to drink it and I saw that she drink whole the water that made me smirk while looking away..

Tzuyu: can you wear something?

Me: I don't have extra clothes..

Tzuyu: then where's your shirt?

Me: I wash my face earlier and I didn't know that my shirt will get wet..and I decided to remove the way, how's your feeling now?

Tzuyu: fine, but what happened?

Me: you faint earlier because of what you drink that Mr. Kang brought for you..

Tzuyu: that bullshit..

Me: don't worry, he already on jail..Sana and nayeon immediately did something that he can't escape from that prison..they let you rest first..and it's also what I want, you need more rest..

Tzuyu: but, how about my dad and your dad? They still not in prison..

Me: no need to worry about that, I'm gonna do that for you, and you need to rest and don't stress yourself..I can handle those and Jin hyung, Sana, nayeon, dahyun and jimin is here to help me..

Tzuyu: speaking of dahyun..where is she? And where is jimin?

Me: they both already here..they go first here after that jimin take dahyun away from that place..

Tzuyu: ok, I gonna visit her..

Me: no stay here and rest ok? Listen to me and don't be a bad girl..

Tzuyu: you know what, I'm not the little girl that you know, I can handle myself..

Me: aiish, no means no tzuyu..for sure dahyun needs to rest too, and it's also what she wants for you..just rest here and I will just stay here..

Tzuyu: hayst ok ok..wear something, it's irritate me..

Me: irritated? There's no reason to irritate to my body..

Tzuyu: just wear something..

Me: I say that I don't have a extra clothes right?

Tzuyu: aish, look at my cabinet, I have a  shirt there that suit for you..

Me: where?

Tzuyu: on the middle..

I nod and get up on the bed, I lastly.turn to face her and I found that she looking at my body and look away when she saw me turn around, I just Chuckle while smirking..

Me: is it the thing you saying that you are irritate to see my half nake body? Looks like you want to see my half nake body while I didn't looking at you..

Tzuyu: shut up and go!

I walk towards on her cabinet while saying this..

Me: just admit that you not only loves my personality and you also loves my body..

And I felt that she trow pillow on me that made me chuckle, and I grab the shirt she saying and Wear it...why this girl is have a kind of this kind shirt of man here?

I close her cabinet and walk towards on her..

Me: wait, why did you have this kind of shirt of man here huh?

Tzuyu: are you jealous?

She teasing me...

Me: yeah..and who's that fucking man huh?

I start to lean on her but she just pushing herself away from me, while I start to climb on her bed, while her back is already laid on her bed headboard and I put my one hand on the wall that side of her face..

Me: are you gonna told me or...I will stole a kiss, like what I did earlier..

I saw that she gulp when I say that..

Tzuyu: u-uhmm i-its from the guy that I brought here before...

Me: and what is the reason that you brought that guy here?

Tzuyu: u-uhmm I n-need to k-know about him like Secrets for business..

Me: for business...

Tzuyu: y-yeah for business..

Me: for sure you both doing a loving scene here..

Tzuyu: no! I mean.. there's nothing happened to us..I just k-keep flirting on him just to know what I want to know about him..

Me: ahhh flirting..nice to hear that flirting with other guy..right?

Tzuyu: i-its just b-before..b-but I already s-stop i-it..

Me: good to hear.....I also want to felt that flirting with you..

Tzuyu: wha--

I cut her off by pressing my lips on her that made her flinched a little bit and I broke the kiss and look at her..

Me: one wrong move one kiss.. it's my rule to the girl that already mine...that I already mark mine..and don't try to find other man, just only me tzuyu, only me..

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