Christmas Special

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Girls Und Panzer Tankery's End

Christmas Special

A/N: This is in no way chronological to my main story. Just a fun holiday special. Enjoy ;)

Snow fall had blanketed the ground overnight. The cold crisp air breezed through Hoja City as the once desolate streets now shined with a whole of beautiful decorations. Wreathes, ornaments, and other special novelties regarding the present holiday lay or hung throughout the occupied area of the city. Christmas had come.

With the revelation of the biggest holiday of the year approaching the Co-Commanders of the city allowed the team to fill themselves with as much joy as they could, which was why they had spent the last morning getting everything decorated.

Outside the headquarters of Hoja City, standing next to a ladder, was a small group of individuals who nearly finished with the hanging of wreathes and other lovely ornaments on the roof.

"You almost done with that?" Mark asked his friend on the ladder.

"Give me a moment, the nail isn't planted firmly yet." Austin responded. The other on lookers, such as Will and Nikoli, as well as three girls from Ooarai's Panzer IV, stood nearby watching.

"I think that's the best we're going to get it." Saori said admiring the work they had done.

"Quite exemplary. I do love the flowered wreathes." Hana stated. She had worked with some of the St. Gloriana girls to make the wreathes, which was fun in of itself.

"yeah, and with Christmas tomorrow it feels like we're back home." Yukari said. Next to them William and Nikoli were watching the two others work as they joined in the small talk.

"I-I get w-why Nikoli is-isnt cold. B-but h-how can y-you girls not b-be w-wearing sk-sk-skirts." William said nearly freezing, despite having on a huge winter coat.

"Feminine resilience." Saori said. Nikoli and Yukari let out hearty laughs.

"Ah, this reminds me of home. Hard winter snow, and good company to outlast it. What a time to be alive." Nikoli said.

"I w=wont be a-alive in a f-few m-m-minutes." William said shivering. Yukari giggled and took his hand.

"Come on Will, lets go inside and get some hoy chocolate." She said, to which the boy nodded.

"P-Please." Was his answer. At this time Austin came down from the ladder and whipped his hands clean of the bristle and sap from the wreath.

"Ah, well that's done. Time to go inside and warm up." Austin said.

"Done with the snow already Austin?" Hana asked.

"Yes. I have no reason to stay out here any longer." The man answered.

"Not even if Nonna were to ask you to?" Saori teasingly asked. Austin frowned and grew a small hue of pink.

"If my girlfriend would want to walk around the snow with her I wouldn't necessarily say no." Austin said. The two girls giggled.

"Your experience with Christmas cant be all bad right?" Nikoli asked. Austin shook his head.

"It's not Christmas I have a problem with. In case you all forgot the last time I was around snow I fell down a mountain." Austin said referring to his misadventure with Nonna.

Girls Und Panzer Tankery's End Christmas SpecialWhere stories live. Discover now