Come as You Are

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A/N: For the playlist, please check out my SLTS - Chapter 2 on my Spotify (canttouchthis) or see my Tumblr (canttouchthis87)


October 8, 1997

Hermione nervously trekked up to the rooftop adjacent to Gryffindor tower, a burgundy scarf wrapped around her neck to protect her from the early October chill. It was late - well past ten pm curfew but she had successfully made the sojourn without running into Filch or his treacherous cat.

"Hermione Granger," Seamus Finnegan belted in his Irish brogue, his arms raised in a welcoming gesture, "well, shit."

She couldn't help but smile and walk with a little more confidence, reaching the notorious pair of Seamus and Dean. Off to the side she caught a couple of Ravenclaws - Padma Patil and Luna Lovegood specifically - eyeing her with trepidation. It was likely, Hermione mused, that they worried she would nark on them or perhaps berate them for their illicit behavior.

Perhaps in a different lifetime she would have.

She was genuinely surprised to see Padma there - the girl was the studious sort - one of the few who voluntarily wore the school uniform, with the knee high socks, pleated skirt, white blouse and blue necktie. She typically held her shoulder length hair in a bow with a no-nonsense expression permanently etched on her face. She was currently attempting to discreetly sort through a small baggie of pills, occasionally holding one up to wand light.

Luna Lovegood, holding what appeared to be a homemade bowl to her lips, wasn't a surprise at all to Hermione. The ethereal girl, known for her new age aesthetic and unwillingness to conform to anything whatsoever, was smiling indulgently at her fellow Ravenclaw, blowing a puff of smoke into the sky above her and watching the smoke rings flit away. Her blonde hair glimmered against the moonlight and for a moment Hermione was envious of the way the girl seemed to so easily simply be.

"Seamus," Hermione refocused on the two Griffindors, suddenly nervous again as she remembered why she was there.

"What can we do for you today?" Seamus was grinning, his typical jovial demeanour amplified.

After weeks of melancholy, broken up only by the occasional musical debate with Malfoy during their ad hoc meetings by the Black Lake, she decided to try something new. Her attempts at 'fake it 'til you make it' were utterly failing so, after a couple of weeks to gather her courage, she finally made her way to one of the worst kept secrets at Hogwarts - the Gryffindor rooftop terrace - where one could find any drug or potion they desired.

Hermione had always been curious - though previously such curiosity was limited to nervous glances at students lurking in the shadows. She would scoff at Neville Longbottom and Ron Weasley while they played Nintendo 64 stoned out of their minds, and roll her eyes at whatever ridiculous story Justin told them all while they ignored Professor Binns in History of Magic.

But they always seemed happy ; regardless of whatever was happening, for a while they were simply high. And for someone like Hermione, whose mind ran nonstop - the ability to simply stop sounded too good to pass up.

So there she was, nervously swallowing and facing Hogwarts' resident drug dealer. "I'm hoping you can help me. I wanted to, you know." She made the motion for smoking a joint.

Seamus' eyes lit up and Dean clapped his hands. "It would be our pleasure!" Dean smiled.

She pulled out some Galleons but Seamus shook his head. "First one's on us - it's not every day I have the opportunity to get Hermione Granger high." He pulled a joint out of his pocket, rubbing it underneath his nose and giving a short nod in approval. He handed it to Dean, who pulled out a Zippo lighter and lit the joint, taking a deep drag.

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