1-Colourblind twins

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(First one-shot of this book, here's an explanation so you don't get confused. George and Captain Puffy are long lost twins, and didn't realise until a little while after they me5 on the Dream SMP. Fun fact, they are both colourblind, so I thought it might fit/be nice. However, Dream gets jealous quickly and thinks Puffy is trying to steal George from him. This chapter was written on Christmas Day, but I guess I've uploaded it late now.)

Captain Puffy's POV:

I was sitting in the corner of my room in the Badlands, knees tucked up to my chest as I listened to Sam (Awesamdude) argue with Bad and Ant about their evil plans. Their yells reached my ears even from downstairs and made me sob quietly into my hands as I heard glass breaking from downstairs and a shriek of pain. Two of the three men were definitely drunk, and I could guarantee neither of the two drunks were Sam.

Sighing, I reached for a backpack and snuck downstairs into the kitchen to grab some food. There was alcohol (surprise surprise), which I left, but instead I took some pumpkin slices, a loaf of bread and half a cake. I cringed; mashed pumpkin sandwich wasn't the best meal, but you've got to do what you've got to do.

I stuffed all of this food into my bag, paused, and then ran back upstairs to grab a soft toy sheep that someone very close to me had once given me, and although I don't remember who gave it to me, I liked to keep it close to me at all times. I placed my hood up over my head, zipped up my bag, and slipped my sunglasses over my eyes. My colourblind glasses had broken, so these would have to do.

I crept downstairs once more and peeked around the corner. I saw an empty smashed beer bottle on the floor; the three were still fighting; even though Sam was now clutching a bleeding eye, he still stood his ground. The only problem was that they were arguing in front of the door, which wasn't very helpful. Because of this, I edged round to the door as quietly and as quickly as I could. Managing to get to the door, I placed my hand on the door handle, but the room suddenly fell silent, and I knew in that heart-stopping moment that they had caught me. I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"And just where do you think you're going?" Ant spun me around to face him.
"Just on a little walk, that's all!" I replied.
"You're not going to spill our plans, are you?"
"No, but serve you right if I did!"

I then felt a sharp slap, which echoed around the room and left a stinging mark on my face.
"Have some respect. This isn't your land." When Ant said this, I looked at Sam, who was mouthing at me to run, and I didn't need telling twice. I looked back at Ant and replied.

"It's not your land either!" And with that, I ran outside, slamming the door behind me and running to the fields beyond. I knew that I was going to be in a lot of trouble when I got back, but in that moment, I didn't care too much, because even for the shortest of time spaces, I was finally free.

I sat down on the warm, sun-lit grass, blinking away tears and wiping off any that were on my cheeks. I hugged my fluffy sheep tight, the red mark still stinging on my face. I was about to grab some food from my bag when a young man with brown hair and glasses very similar to my colourblind ones sat down beside me.

"Hello." I said, knowing that my voice sounded cracked and upset, but it was best not to be rude.
"Hi! I'm George!" George seemed to be the very positive type of guy.
"Hi, George. I'm Captain Puffy, but just call me Puffy if you want." I replied while covering the red mark, but George noticed and gasped.
"They don't hit you where you live, do they?!" I stared down at the grass for a response, earning a hug from George.

"That's a cute sheep you've got there! Who gave that to you?" George asked, petting the sheep.
"I don't know," I paused, then continued, "but it was someone very special to me."
"I have a bear soft toy but I don't know who gave it to me."
"Mhm." I looked at George. He seemed so familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on it, so I changed the subject.

"So.. what's with the cool glasses?" I asked, looking closely at them.
"I'm colourblind, so I use these to see colour."
"I had colourblind glasses, but they broke." Once I said this, George passed me a spare pair of  the same glasses he had on. I put my sunglasses inside my bag and slipped the colourblind ones on.

"We're like twins!" I laughed.

Nobody's POV:

They grew to be closer friends over the passing weeks, learning more and more about each other, until...

"I never asked this, but what's your surname?" George asked Puffy one day.

(Just pretend that both their surnames are Reed because that's the first thing that I thought of.)

"Reed, why do you ask?" Puffy replied.
"But thats my surname as well?" They looked at each other for a few seconds, then Puffy leapt on George?

"I got you now bro!"
Little did they know that someone was watching them from the bushes nearby.

Dream was jealous at how quickly the two had made friends, and just as quickly convinced himself that Puffy loved George, and was trying to take George away from him. What better Christmas present to get than George's love? Dream had a plan.

(Time skip to Christmas Day.)

"Merry Christmas!" George and Puffy said at the same time, while giving each other necklaces as Christmas presents; George had a sheep one; Puffy had a bear one.

Dream shined his sword, then plunged it into Puffy's back. She bled a lot, before she collapsed onto the floor, and her breathing couldn't be heard anymore.

"Why would you do that?!" George yelled at Dream, tears threatening in his eyes.
"She doesn't matter, George! We can finally be together!" Dream went to hug George, but he pushed Dream off forcefully.

"She was my twin sister, and the only family I had left!!" George shouted, with tears streaming down his face, and with that, he ran away, Puffy's bear necklace in his hand. Technoblade coughed, but the cough sounded an awful lot like "orphan!"

George rubbed his eyes, not ready to experience the worst Christmas he had ever had.

(Sorry that this is sad, but hey, it's a first chapter of this one-shots book! Please leave any suggestions you may have in the comments! Author out. :>)

1169 words. :3

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