Chapter 19

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October 23 , 2020 .

Alize POV

" Damn I guess my baby don't love me anymore." I said while pouting .

" Why you say that ?" Santana ask me laughing .

" Because she gone tell Hayley she want to stay again ." I said .

" She said she want a break from you ." Santana said laughing .

I was about to say something but got interrupted by somebody knocking on the door .

With what's been going on I grabbed my gun and headed towards the door . When I got there I didn't see anyone I just seen a package .

But what caught my attention is what the box said on it . It was a picture of a baby and my real mom on the hospital bed . It look like she just gave birth to the baby .

She looked tired but she was still smiling holding the baby . So I picked up the box and took it inside .

" Santana I'm about to act white right quick ." I said .

" What you mean and who knocked on the door ?" Santana ask me .

" That's the point I don't know . Whoever it was left the box ." I said .

I open the box and a note was on the top . The note said please look through the whole box to learn the truth .

I seen a picture . It was a picture of somebody sneaking a baby out of the hospital . And the baby had the same covers as the baby in the first picture .

Okay that's weird .

Then I seen a picture of the person getting in the same car Maria and James use to have .

I looked at the baby picture again and realized it was me . I still have that same birth mark on my arm in the same exact place .

I didn't even need no more evidence because it all make so much sense .

They didn't kick me out because I was pregnant , they kicked me out because I was looking for a job . And I was gone need my birth certificate in order to get a job .

Before I could think anything else somebody knocked on the door .

This time Santana went and got it . When he came back he came back with four people .

It was the woman who looked like me and the man who was with her yesterday . I also seen the two boys I met in the mall .

" I want to start off by introducing myself . My name is Shay ." The  woman who looked like me said .

" My name is Andre ." The man said .

" And I am Jordan ." The boy from the mall said .

The other boy didn't say nothing so I guess he had nothing to do with it .

" So I am assuming you are my mom and you are my dad and you are my brother ?" I said pointing them out one by one .

They all shook their heads .

" We have been looking for you for a long time . And we feel so dumb because your pictures are all over the internet ." Shay said .

" Then I look just like you ." I said shaking my head .

" Imagine nutting in somebody in the baby come out nothing like you ." Andre said making Shay hit him .

But I seen something that looked familiar .

" Can you lift your arm up ?" I asked Andre .

He lift his arm up and I seen the same exact birth mark I got .

" I got the same one ." I said showing him .

" Oh yeah we twins now ." He said making everybody laugh .

" Where my nephew at ?" I asked Jordan .

" With his momma ." He said .

" Hell nah he said she ain't got no food over there ." I said making everybody laugh .

" That boy be lying ." Jordan said .

" I wonder where he got it from ." Shay said while looking at Jordan .

" Not from me ." He said while shrugging .

His ass lying now .

" Anyways what we gone do about Maria and James ?" I asked them .

" We gone kill em ." Shay said .

" This beef is long overdue man ." Andre said while shaking his head .

" But I got one question did they ever mistreat you in any type of way ?" Jordan asked me making everybody look at me .

" Nope if anything you would have thought I was just a spoiled ass child . I never asked for stuff but they always gave it to me ." I said honestly .

" Mhmm that's weird . If they don't like them why would they not hurt you ?" Santana said making everybody agree .

" I don't know . They even killed about me too ." I said .

" What happen ?" Andre asked me .

" When I was 15 this man tried touching me but I got away . I went home and told them and the next day they was on the news pronounced dead ." I said .

" You know what it make so much sense because this one time Maria brother Charles said something that was weird . " I said remembering a lot of things .

" What he say?" Santana asked me .

" He said you look just like your real momma but I didn't think twice about it cause shit like this to me only happen in movies ." I said .

Then all three of them got a text .

" We got some business to handle at the trap can we get your number to talk more ." Shay said .

I shook my head giving all three of them my number . They left as soon as I gave it to them .

" Damn what a day ." I said while laying across the couch .



What y'all get for Christmas ?

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