And A Shot Rang Out.

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It was expected of her.

In the 16th century, on the island named Great Britain, it was expected of every girl to grow up, learn the ways of being a house wife, and get married to a man arranged by her family's choice.

It was normal to get married to a person you've never seen before, to be carried off by a mysterious man you'd spend the rest of your life with.

So, naturally, Kathia Pickley was not phased by such an event, and rather dreamed of it. Ever since she was a little blonde pig-tailed girl, Kathia worked her hardest for the day soon to come, her wedding day. For what girl didn't dream of their big day? Dream of the white dress that showed wealth and purity, dream of the handsome groom, dream of the little cabin in the woods and the pitter-patter of tiny feet throughout the house.

This is what Kathia wanted.

"Kathia! Get up! It's your big day! Let's go, let's go, let's go!" Kathia's mother Helen chimed bright and early in the morning, on the the day Kathia had dreamed of since forever... her wedding day.

Kathia's mother, Aunt Lisa, and younger sister Heather pulled their beloved Kathia out of bed and helped her work on looking her finest on her wedding day. It was the one day where Kathia was spoiled to whatever she asked. Would it be a full breakfast, a warm bath, or even a little free time, whatever Kathia asked for, she received. (Rationally of course).

Heather was braiding her sister's beautiful blonde hair when Helen walked into Kathia's room with a brown bag in hand.

"Kathia, here you go," Helen said and teared up when Kathia pulled out the slightly pink dress, Helen's wedding dress.

"Oh momma," Kathia teared up as well.

"You children grow up too fast," Helen sniffled.

Easing it on, Helen and Heather adjusted the wedding dress and stood back in awe as they saw Kathia, her blonde hair braided to the side, her freckles prominent, her green eyes shining with tears. The long dress fit her body snugly, tickling her ankles.

"Don't forget the slippers!" Heather piped and set the pair of brown soft sandals in front of her older sister. "I made them myself!"

"Thank you Heather," Kathia patted her eight year old sister's head of long brown hair.

"You're old! Seventeen! You'll be wrinkly soon!" Heather teased and ran off before she could be scolded.

As Heather left, Kathia's aunt ran in.

"He's here! He's here! The carriage has arrived!" Lisa exclaimed.

The girls walked to the front window, where they saw multiple horse drawn carriages pull up and guests head to the backyard where Kathia's father, uncles, and brothers had set up the reception.

Kathia could not tell who was to be her husband.

Minutes later when all had arrived and taken a seat out back, the preacher from the little white church down the way set up waiting, everyone had their eyes on the door, waiting to see the bride.

Kathia's beauty hushed the crowd, many whispered amongst themselves, but all Kathia was focused on was the man waiting for her at the end of the isle. His skin was bronzed from working in the sun, his muscles visible through his clothes, his deep eyes piercing her own from the far distance, and the closer she got, the fiercer they became.

Once again, this did not phase Kathia at all. She was thrilled to be married to this man in his late twenties.

After the ceremony and all was over, Kathia's new husband, who she learned to be Kennith Jones packed all the wedding gifts in the back of the wagon and lifted Kathia in as well, gracefully.

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