Yule Ball Preperations

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Christmas was around the corner everyone was enjoying their dates or asking a person out but I was the only person in the library to study not even Mionie. As I was skimming in the library to find any good books to read. Someone tapped me as I spun around. I saw Victor Krum and I smiled "Hi Krum." I replied "Um er hi." he was beetroot red. He stood there for two minutes there staring at me. "Well if you have nothing to say can you get out of my way." I say a little annoyed

"Oh I am sorry, I just wanted to ask if you would like to go to the ball with me." he says nervously I chuckle "Well Krum you see I am not the person who is into balls and dresses and don't waste your time with me there are many girls who would die to go with you. I am sorry." I say carefree "Umm yea I understand and no problem." He says very sadly "Krum if you don't mind can you give an autograph for my friend he is a big fan." I say

"Yea sure I will." Krum says he is slightly cheerful. I give him a book and he signs it "Thank you Krum!" I shout and run to give this to Ron. As I run to the Common Room I see Ron Petrified "Did he see a spider?" I ask "No he asked a Fleur out for the ball" Ginny said "Wait what you had the courage to ask her!" I ask confused "Don't be stupid, I love the way they walk and it just slipped out." He says worried "Well he screamed at her it was pretty terrifying to be honest" Ginny pipped in.

"Ron seriously cheered up here I got this" his eyes lit up "Thank so much, how did you get this?" "Well Krum asked me out to the ball." you say chuckling "YOU what !" Ron asked as if I said Voldemort was in the room hiding. "Okay calm down when did you let me finish my sentence when he asked me I said no." I say confused what the hell happened to Ron. "Wait then can you come to the ball with me please!" Ron pleaded

"Please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please!" he was so obnoxious. "And why should I ?" "Well there is so much food and it is so good and if you go with me I will let you have all my candy and will let you buy anything in Zonko's next hogsmeade!" he says very excited "Fine but if you don't stick up to the promise I will feed you to Aragog no joke." I say with a voice filled with venom he shivered and nodded and hugged me very tightly "Thank you so much Esha!" He shouts and turns pink and leaves to tell Harry. I was dancing in excitement that I am going with Ron to the ball, just the thought of it gave me this warm, & fuzzy feeling.

Timeskip { Hogsmade }

Mionie and Ginny dragged me to Gladrags Wizardwear

"Why do I have to come here seriously? I am not wearing those ghastly things" I say pointing to the dresses on display "Well what are you going to wear ?" Mionie says "Something comfy like my Quidditch jersey." Mionie smacks me with her bag and I shove her and a little too hard then intended and fell in a puddle "I am so sorry, seriously I mean it." I say "Yeah right!" she says and storms off. "Mionie I mean it and to prove it to you I will wear those ghastly outfits and do anything else I promise!" I blurt out regretting every word I said. "Apology accepted" she says with the biggest smirk Ginny giggles.

We entered the shop and it was filled with elegant dresses left and right. I saw one dress that would look so cute on Ginny. "Hey Ginny, I think would look good on you." I say "That looks so cute thanks I think I will try it on." Hermionie was in the corner looking at a maroon satin shoulder long dress which looked very good but not that suitable on Mionie. "Esha how about this dress does it look good?" "It looks very good but not that suitable on you though." "No Idiot how would it look on you" she chuckles "I don't know" "How about trying it on." She says with a satisfying smirk "But no I am not ugh fine you won!" I grumble.

I wore the dress and it fit me so elegantly it felt so nice. I looked in the mirror to see a completely different person looking at me.I opened the door to show Mionie and Ginny the dress. "How is it?" I asked Ginny and Mionie's mouths in shock. As we purchase our dresses I wait for our carriage to see none

I ran to get Harry and Ron who were in HoneyDukes. "We missed the carriage!" I shout to both of the hooligans ''Harry do you know where the secret passage is?" "Yeah it's down in the basement of honey dukes, where is Hermione?" I slap my face "I will get them!" I shout and run to get both Hermione and Ginny. "You two follow me, and don't ask me questions!" I shout at both confused Ginny and Mionie. They start following me and we reach Honeydukes...

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