call out my name.🍋

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bruh why follow me.


pencil boy👨‍🦽
didn't you say
you wanted to go
late night walking?

oh right ,ill follow you
lead me the way.

you then let him get in front of you.

hmm i wonder where he's taking me tho.

time passes.

holy shits it's already been twenty minutes ,

where the fuck is he taking me , he then starts to slow down.
i look to see where we are.

i don't even know ,but it's beautiful.

there were lights everywhere ,and food courts.
i see dogs running around ,and couples it's was cute.

you then get out the car and walk over to suna's car.

*knock knock*

he then rolls down his window. "so is this the place?" you asked. "yup it is just hold on." he said as he was texting someone on his phone

fun 😩🥰.

y'all then walk around together looking at lights and just enjoying the view. you then start to get a little hungry.

"im hungry ,let's get food." you said "ok." he said dryly.


we then head to a little food court ,i order the food ,he said he would just wait for me. once i get really fucking bored in line ,i then start to look around to look for suna.

but no luck.

i then look again ,and yeah he was there.
but he was talking to a girl.

you then laugh to yourself.

sheesh... your petty self is about to come out.
it made you even more mad ,cause she was really pretty.

fuck it.

you then get your food ,and wait to bump into someone.

you walk towards suna ,and see a dude your age walking towards you ,just looking at his phone.

once he's close enough ,you then purposely fall onto him ,but he catches you.

"oh im so sorry ,that's on me." i look up to see

"oh hey y/n." kuroo said.

wait this is even better..

"oh hey kuroo." you smiled.

your food dropped. shit i didn't mean to do that😔

"oh you dropped your food ,let me buy you another one."kuroo said while taking my hand and leading the way.

from right when i bumped into him ,i kinda looked at suna to see what he would do.

he was just watching.

too high in the clouds 🍃| suna rintarou - toxic|mafiaWhere stories live. Discover now