we are a team <3

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y/n POV.
suna held my hand as i felt this weird feeling in me.
"fuck we gotta go." suna said as he looked around
"there's a window in the bathroom ,go out there. i don't know why you're scared of you dad but-." oikawa got cut off

"listen oikawa ,if i don't get out of here he will kill everyone that's here." suna said
oikawa didn't even know what to say
as we're getting out i tell oikawa thank you for earlier.

he nods and smiles ,you Alex and suna all run. suna turns around and yells
"im over here DAD!" his dad heard him and snapped his fingers for his men to get him.

"STOP!!" you hear his men yelling
y'all try to lose them but couldn't ,soon it got to a point where you couldn't run anywhere. they blocked it. a black car comes up and parks.

a man opened the door and there was his dad.
he walked towards us but suna said stop that's close enough
"i can't hug my sons and meet his girlfriend?" he said
"no ,you can not after everything." suna said in a shaky voice.
"listen son i understand you miss your mom and she misses both of y'all ,why can't we have a nice chat?" he starts walking towards y'all "stay away." suna said "STAY AWAY." he said louder as he got closer ,before i knew it he was right in front of me.. I don't know why but my legs wanted to give up. after all that running and now im just scared ,i see a hand get close to my face. before he could touch me "don't touch her ... or .. or I'll shoot you." suna said
all of his men put their guns towards suna.
i couldn't breathe ,it hurt i was scared of this.
"what do you want?" i said quietly to his dad.
he looked at me and smiled "put the guns down now! how dare you point a gun a my son?" he said "s-sorry boss ,you were in danger an- and."
"that's enough." his father said
"listen y/n was it? i just want us to be a happy family together."
you just chuckled to the nonsense that he just said "did you just laugh y/n?" he asked
"yeah? cause that was the most bull ive heard in awhile. if you wanted to be a happy family ,then why start this you put this on yourself and now you think your sons are gonna act like nothing happened?" his eyes just lost emotions "listen little girl ,i could kill you right here right now."
"and i can shoot you fucking right now." suna said
his father looks at him ,then Alex..
"tell you girl friend to fix her fucking attitude." his father said "oh did i hit a nerve?" you smiled
fuck i don't know where this confident came out.
sunas father gets a gun out his pocket and aims it straight at your head "I WILL SHOOT YOU!" suna yelled

he's hesitating.. i mean i get it ,it's his dad but now im fucked
"you gonna shoot me hm?" i said
his father looked at me then back at suna "you wouldn't dare shoot me sun-."

*gun shot*
you look at suna's father to see a bullet has shot his leg. you turn to see kita..
it wasn't suna that shot him.
"LETS GO!" kita yelled we started running while his men yelled at us to stop.
"GET IN THE CAR!" kita yelled we hurry up and get in..
"fuck kita ,how did you know we were there?" suna asked
"dumbass you're the one who asked me to watch out for y/n cause you felt like something was gonna happen tonight." you looked at suna then Alex .. alex he looked scared
"im sorry y/n i wish i could get you out of this mess." suna said "you know you could ... you could just break up with her and she wouldn't have to be worried about getting kidnapped or killed." alex said "watch your fucking mouth ,you know you're real fucking pathetic for saying that since you're the one who kidnapped her." suna said out of anger.

"yo- you're right im sorry ,im just scared and i don't want her to die nor you." he said in a sad voice.

"im sorry too, i said that without even thinking. im scared too alex but we're gonna figure this out together.. all of us. you know we are a team."
alex smiles you smile and so as kita.

it kinda hurts ,what if kita wasnt there? would i be alive? would suna shoot him?..

a couple hours pass till y'all head back to the house.
suna walks in and gets on the phone.
"listen y'all need to come over here NOW!" he yelled
"y/n ,im sorry .. so sorry you have to go through this. listen after all of this is over me and you can go anywhere in the world... just us, okay?" he said as he hugged you "suna you don't have to be sorry ,i wanna be with you so that means i have to go through your problems ,and that's okay. cause that's what people do when they're in love suna." you smile.
he hugs you tighter.
"cough ... um am i interrupting something?" Alex asks.
me and suna look at him ,suna grabs his arm and pulls him in to hug with us.

knock knock
someone is at the door.
suna opens it ,about six guys came in and handed suna something.
"good work ." he said
"thank you boss."
he then closes the door and walks towards you.
"where gonna get out of here once this is all done ,alright ?"
you just nodded ,suna then puts down some paper and gets your hand.
he leads you upstairs
fuck ,i smell like sweat ...great.
"imma take a shower real quick." you said as you went to your room. he just smiles at you
you grab whatever you need and head to the bathroom.

suna's pov
i don't want y/n to think that I wasn't gonna pull the trigger..
fuck what was i thinking ,i should've shot him without hesitation. what.. what would've happen if kita wasn't there ,i can't imagine her being dead.. i would blame myself and probably never fall in love again. never being happy again ,fuck man my heart just hurts while thinking about it.

y/n pov
a couple minutes later ,you are done and head back to your room...
then you noticed some flashing blue it was small coming from the air vents ..
what the fuck is that? hold on ... is- is that a fucking camera?!

ok... i don't wanna talk about how i haven't been posting .. let's just act like i post everyday

also ,this fanfic is gonna end soon ,y'all brought so much laughter and happiness to this fanfic .. of course i plan on making others
and what i plan to do is make an eren fanfic ,if y'all want just tell me and give me some ideas ,y'all have amazing ideas. i know a lot of fanfics of eren or mostly like collage ,partys and toxic ass stuff which im into but again just tell me what y'all want ok:)

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