Chapter 9

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Alena POV

Sincere didn't come back so I went to look for him and saw him in in the living room crying while talking to the guys.

"What happens? Who died?

He starts crying harder

"Keisha got killed. *Elijah

"What?! Omg.

I reach out to Sincere and he cries in my arms.

"Well we should go, but just know we are here for you. Call if you need us. *Monty

"Yea, we can bring snacks and weed. *Elijah

"Nigga. Come on*Monty

They leave

"Sincere let's go lay down so I can hold you better.


We go back upstairs and get into bed.

"I should call my parents, right?

He grabs the phone and frowns

"Everyone tried to call me, to let me know.

He calls his parents and apparently they already knew.
He asks them to come to pick up Heaven tomorrow then he hangs up. He lays on my breast and hugs me.

As he dozed off from exhaustion, he says " I hope you never leave me"

*Next Day

He puts on a brave face and tells Heaven about her mother. She cries in his arms and it's the most heartbreaking thing I had to witness.

"But I was a good girl, why would God take my mommy away from me?!

"Heaven, sometimes God gets lonely and he needs more angels to keep him company and protect the world.

"So my mommy is like Wonder Woman Angel?

"Uh yes. *Alena

"Okay, I'm going to miss her so much.

"I know, and it's okay because I will miss her too. She will always be in our hearts and in our minds. *Sincere

"Plus we got pictures. *Heaven

She gets up and takes a photo book in her reach and runs away. I'm guessing she is going to go to her room.

"This is all my fault.

"What? How?

"Cause of me being a cheap and controlling bastard I ran her away. If I did everything she wanted she would be here right now. We would've been married.

"It's not your fault. It's a whoever fault that killed her.

He doesn't say anything

"Don't blame yourself.

"Yea whatever, let me grieve in peace.

He walks away and I'm shocked.

Well if that's what he wants.

Narrator POV

Keisha's family and friends buried her on a rainy day in March. Sincere sat in the back of the church with tears in their eyes as Keisha's family and friends shared their memories of her. Heaven was seated next to her granny in the front of the Church.

In April, Sincere got his parents to take Heaven to Disney World for spring break. The trip was meant to distract her while Sincere is focused on being a mess.

In May, Damon was arrested for the murder of Keisha. Alena thought it would finally be closure and Sincere can feel better. But she didn't get that grieving doesn't have an expiration date.

Alena POV

Sincere is still grieving and has been distancing himself from me. He needs space so I have been patient. I have been staying at my place and I text him every day just to make he is alive and eating.
I miss him though but my brother has been distracting me. Jeff is in town and has been dragging me everywhere. He lives in Oregon and it's all cause of his wife. She is some petite white girl that I have never liked. Her name is Amanda and she is an ex-Amish person. She decided to go to college (Columbia) met my brother and now she has him being miserable in Oregon. She is teaching out there because supposedly she couldn't find a teaching job out here.
Anyway, he comes to visit a lot; to see me, eat all his favorite foods and get his hair cut by Sincere.

"I'm telling you, he lit up when he saw me walk in. Then he frowned when he noticed you weren't with me.

"He is the one that wanted space.

"Well he obviously misses you, so go get your man.

"later, let's go to Coney Island

"Hell yea. Nathan hot dogs.


I walk into his house and it's eerily quiet. I hope he ain't dead.



"Where are you?

"I'm upstairs in the bedroom.

I walk upstairs and into his bedroom. It's illuminated with candles and he is on the bed in the sexy boxers that I like. The see-through ones look sexy as hell.

"What is all of this?

"I know I've been a difficult ass these last couple of months but you've been giving me space and being patient with me. So I'm showing you my appreciation plus I miss my woman. Now get naked so you can take a bath.

I undress while he watches me

"You are so fucking sexy, just watching you makes my dick hard.

I look down at his big ass dick. I lick my lips and walk towards him.

"Baby, the water is going to get cold.

"So what? I haven't had that dick in my mouth for months

My mouth meets his dick

"Oh shit. *Sincere

It doesn't take much work for me to snatch his soul. While he is resting, I unstop the water for the tub and then I hop in the shower.

Hopefully, everything gets back to normal.

Unknown POV

He posted a throwback of his little family like Keisha didn't exist. All Keisha wanted was a better life with Sincere and he refused to provide that. Damon should've killed him that night. But it's okay cause I will get my revenge on Sincere and Damon.

A/n: What do you think about this chapter?

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