Island exploration

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Some time had passed, and Itachi found himself on what he believed to be an island of sorts. He had begun walking along the beach to get a sense of his current location. He was even warier than he was before when he found his sword and a weapons pouch lying innocently by a tree close to him.

Someone or something had brought him here. For what reason, he did not know.

The note along with his weapons made Itachi suspect more than before that this was not the Pure Land, but something else entirely. His senses were on high alert as he continued to trudge through the admittedly beautiful island coast. He kept one hand inside his cloak, lightly resting on the hilt of his sword, which he had strapped to his waist for the time being.

Eventually, he had circled around the entire island stopping where he had woken up. The island was quite large. Itachi estimated its coastline to be about 10 kilometers give or take. With its perimeter "secured", Itachi turned to the thick forest that bordered the beach. He could barely make out the top of a mountain through the thick canopy.

With nothing better to do, he began to walk into the forest towards the mountain to see if he could learn anything else about the island.

The forest was quite pleasant. The trees offered shade and the wildlife seemed to be unafraid of him. More than likely this was a deserted island he thought to himself. The trees were nothing like those of the Land of Fire so Itachi did not attempt to tree hop to hasten his travel. He was happy to learn that he still had chakra and that he still retained his Sharingan.

Itachi quickly summited the mountain. An easy feat considering the ease that wall walking granted him. It was nothing too special. Shrubs and smaller plantlife dotted the rocky face. Birds flew overhead, but nothing else seemed to live on this little mountain.

He scanned the horizon looking for hints of land close to the island he was on, his Sharingan picking up the most minute details. In the distance, he could see the top of another island, but it was quite far. Far enough that he would collapse from exhaustion and dehydration if he tried to water walk there.

He continued to look around him but seeing nothing else, decided to hop down the mountain and head back to the lake. It was the best place to set up base for the time being. He would have to hunt for food or try his hand at scavenging, which he wasn't too keen on doing as he had no idea what was edible. He didn't have any food pills on hand either; he remembered checking the weapons pouch of its contents and not finding any within.

Arriving at the clearing by the lake, he set out making his temporary home. Weaving through a set of hand seals, Itachi cast an Earth Style jutsu he had copied from some Iwa shinobi. Placing his hand against the ground, a small dome grew from the earth, complete with two small openings: a window and a doorway. He walked inside and, using a similar jutsu, raised a small area to act as a bed and then another to act as a table.

It wasn't like a regular house, but at least it was something he can deal with.

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