i. privet drive

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CHAPTER ONE ── privet drive

CHAPTER ONE ── privet drive

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ℭharlotte Jane Potter had no clue how she had come to live with her aunt and uncle at Number 4, Privet Drive. According to her aunt, she had just appeared on the doorstep one morning after her parents died in a car crash, and they'd been looking after her ever since.

"Charlotte!" The ten year old huffed, pulling the covers tighter around her at the sound of her aunt's voice. "I heard that. Up!"

The young girl gave a non-committal groan in response, before rolling over and attempting to fall back asleep for a little longer. She heard her aunt retreat downstairs and the crash of a frying pan, but Charlotte ignored that in favour of pondering on the bizarre dreams. She had been on a flying motorcycle, and the other was of her imaginary friend from her childhood.

Her aunt reappeared back outside of her door five minutes later.

"Are you up yet?"

"Yes." The door opened, and Charlotte raised her head over the covers to catch sight of her aunt's disapproving stare. "Nearly?"

"Charlotte Jane Potter, you get out of bed this instance. Come and help me." The girl groaned again, before slinking out of bed and padding down the stairs after her aunt, yawning all the while. "Do you want to cook the bacon or the pancakes?"

"Bacon." She had less chance of ruining that.

Her aunt hummed, handing Charlotte her apron and doing the bow up for her. Charlotte looked around the kitchen, snickering as she saw that the table was almost hidden beneath all of Dudley's birthday presents. It looked as though Dudley had gotten the new computer he wanted, not to mention the second television and the racing bike. Exactly why Dudley wanted a racing bike was a mystery to Charlotte. Dudley wasn't a big fan of sport, unless it included punching someone.

He had tried to punch Charlotte once, after she 'accidentally' kicked his chair out from underneath him during class, but he didn't catch her. She didn't look it, but on rare occasions, Charlotte could run fast.

She supposed it was down to her build. Charlotte had always been small and skinny for her age, despite eating the same amount of food as Dudley did normally. In Aunt Petunia's words, she had a healthy appetite and a fast meta...metabolism? Charlotte couldn't really remember the word. The only other odd thing about her was the scar on her forehead that was in the shape of a bolt of lightning spreading down to her eyes. She had asked how she got it once, but Uncle Vernon has snapped back:

"In the car crash when your parents were killed and don't ask questions, girl!" 

That was one of Uncle Vernon's rules for a quiet existence with her. Don't ask questions. Speaking of her uncle seemed to summon him, for the man appeared in the kitchen.

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