A discovery

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Amitys POV

"Guys do you think we should be sneaking out at this time?" Augustus worryingly asked.
"Pfft, Come on Gus! It'll be fun!" Boscha snickered.
"Yeah I'm with Gus, this is a stupid idea Boscha" Willow said.
"I mean, their right.. My parents are gonna kill me if I get caught! And no doubt that the twins will snitch on me" I explained.
Suddenly some owl came down and swooped my Azura Book and then flew into the opposite direction. I stood there for a moment before running after it.
"Come on guys! Let's go help her!" Boscha announced.
We all ran after the owl and it led us to some glowing door.
"I'm going in" I said.
Boscha smirked and grabbed Willows hand.
Me, Boscha, and Willow jumped in and Gus just stood there. In a brave sudden movement he jumped in as well.

. . .

"Uhhhh, were are we- um guys...am I the only one seeing this?" Willow mumbled.
I pushed Gus off me I looked up. It was a world full of magic.
"Am..am I dreaming or am I dead?" I asked.
Boscha punched me in the arm and I hissed.
"Woah, your really not dreaming" Boscha snickered.
Suddenly we heard a little gasp and all looked up. There was some girl there, short hair, deep brown eyes and pointy ears?
"Oh my stars, HUMANS!"  She yelled.
I noticed my book in her hand and I stood up.
"Hey! That's my book!" I yelled.
She looked at the book in her hand and looked at me confused.
"You guys get Azura in the human realm?!" She asked.
I nodded and she looked at the book. She passed it to me and I snagged it back and growled.
"Now, how can we get back?" Gus asked.
"Well, if y'all wanna go back to your realm, you need this key" The girl held up a key, smirking.
"Give it to us!" Boscha growled.
I held Boscha back before she dealt with this girl herself.
"Woah Woah, I'll let you guys go, under one condition"
Willow grabbed my hand and pulled me back.
"We'll.. we'll think about it" Willow said.
"In the meantime, do you guys have some time to answer some questions?" The witch girl asked.
We nodded and start walking.
"Soooo, what's your names?" The girl asked.
"Well, the pinky is Boscha, one with the attitude is Amity, and the younger one is Gus, me, I'm Willow"
"And who are you" I snickered.
She chuckled and slowed her pace down to walk near me.
"I'm Luz, but you can call me the girl of your dreams" she smirked.
I blushed and pushed her up ahead.
"Calm down Am's-"
"Wow, you already have a nickname for me" I grumbled.
Luz laughed.
"Oh come on, I'm not that bad" Luz teased.
"I already hate you" I grumbled.
Luz walked up ahead to the rest of the group.
"She's interesting" Willow smirks.
"She is the furthest thing from interesting"
Willow laughed and continued making conversation.
"How do you think the twins are going to react when they hear we went to another relam?"
I snickered.
"Their going to rat me out to the whole school, no doubt"
Willow shrugged.
"What are you pretty lady's talkin' bout'?" Luz smirked, putting her arms around our shoulders.
"We're good, isn't that right Mittens?" Willow grinned.
"Ooooooooooh~ mittens? What an interesting name" Luz cooed.
"What even are you freak?" I hissed.
"Woah Woah, calm down, and hey! I'm not a freak! I'm a witch" Luz said proudly.
"Hah, lil wannabe" I snickered.
"eres una perra, ¿no?" Luz mumbled.

unlikely romance (witch swap au)Where stories live. Discover now