And with the crack of Thunder comes Trouble

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A/N: All credit for artwork above to Chetosee.

Bella and I were so excited to play baseball with the Cullens.  Bella especially was as she was no longer a clumsy human.

"Are you sure you both want to actually play?" Emmett asked with a smirk.

"We're sure." We answered in unison with smirks of our own.

"Well then let's play ball!" Carlisle announced.

"To give you a chance we'll let you have five on your team since our numbers are uneven." Emmett teased.

"Are you sure you don't want the help?  I think you'll be needing the help." I teased back.

They still divided the team so that we have a total of five.  It was the both of us plus Emo Ed, Jazzy Jasper, and Pixie Alice vs Carlisle, Esme, Emmett, and Rosalie.  Edward went first and when he hit the ball they caught it.  He was out.  I saw how they did it now and wondered if anyone ever won since their speed always has them catching the ball.  When it was my turn they were surprised I could hit the ball with the speed it was thrown but more surprised when a lightening bolt hit in their path keeping them from going after the ball.  The ball hit the ground so I couldn't be immediately out.  I grinned as I ran among the bases and made it home.

"What was that about us needing extra help?" I called out with a grin.

When it was Bella's turn I did the same thing and disrupted their path with lightening. 

"Man, this storm sure is something." I said as Bella ran it in home.

After Emmett's team had their turn at bat and we just finished another round of us at bat Emmett was suspicious.

"You're cheating somehow.  I just know it." Emmett said with suspicious eyes.

It was then that Alice froze and her eyes glazed over.

"They were leaving but heard us playing.  They're here." Alice said right as three vampires with blood red eyes ran out onto the field.

I grabbed my sister's hand and prepared to defend us if needed.

"What are you doing here?  You've been causing our coven trouble with your hunting on our ground.  Our local police are suspicious of the animal attacks especially since they found a human footprint on scene." Carlisle said.

"Our apologies.  We didn't know there was a coven in the area but we did correct our mistake.  We led the police away from this town." Laurent said.

"Thank you then we have no problem with you." Carlisle said.

"We were leaving when we heard your game and we were hoping to join." Laurent said.

I nodded at Carlisle and while holding my sister's hand began to leave when a pesky wind blew past us carrying our scents to the three red eyed monsters.

"What are they?" James asked with a look of desire in his eyes.

"We've smelled their kind once before but it was so long ago that I can't remember what they are." Victoria stated.

I spun with my sword drawn and lightening striking in front of them stopping them from running at us.  I held a ball of fire in my hand as did my sister in one hand with her sword in her other.

"I didn't miss.  My strike was intentional.  The next will hit you along with our fire.  You will leave this area and never return." I said.

My eyes turned silver and my sister's turned opaque as we spoke with the voices of our gods speaking through us.  I sensed both Apolaki and The Great Spirit of the First People speaking through us.

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