New Neighbors

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~3rd Pov~

Nick and his father had just gotten out of the car, and walked up to their new house. Sam was trying and failing to unlock the door, while Nick was complaining about wanting to go back to New York. Nick had looked over to their neighbors house, Grey House, and saw someone looking out the window. 

"Somebody's watching us." He said looking back to his dad. 

"What where?" Sam asked his son. 

"Next door in the window."

"I don't see anybody." Sam said before trying to type the code in the lock again, failing to unlock it. "I think the realtor gave me the wrong code."

"Dad this is a sign."

"I don't believe in signs." Sam told his son.

"We should go back to New York."

"It's our new home. Get used to it."

"I don't want to live here." Nick told his dad, again. 

"Once I master this lock, I'm going to explain the difference between a want and a need and it's going to blow your mind." Sam told him before giving up on the lock, "I don't care how late it is I'm going to call the realtor. I hope I wake him up."

"Hello," the father and son duo shifted their attention to the woman, "Welcome to Middleton, I'm your neighbor Cassie Nightingale."

"Sam Radford," Sam says as he shakes her hand, "This is my son, Nick."

"Looks like you could use some help." Cassie said.

"Only if your a locksmith." Same says jokingly. "Looks like the realtor gave us the wrong combination."

"I doubt Ryan did that. He's very thorough." Cassie replied. 

"And yet here I stand." Sam said. 

"Why don't you try it one more time?" Cassie implored. 

"I've tried it about a dozen times, it won't open." Sam denied. 

"Maybe thirteen's the charm," Cassie started "Give it a try."

"Ok," Sam gave in moving over to the lock. "I will but... I don't think it's gonna... make..." Sam trailed off as the lock opened, looking at Cassie with a curious look in his eyes. 

"Oh, thirteen always gets such a bad reputation but it's actually been a very lucky number for me." Cassie explained. 

"You have the magic touch." Sam stated. 

"Some people say I do." Cassie agreed. 

Suddenly a car pulled up a couple houses down, and and two girls came out. Gathering the attention of the group. A mother walked over to them as the daughter spared them a glance. Her gaze catching Nick's. They stared at  each other for a minute before the girl broke the stare and entered Grey House. 

"Cassie good to see you." The woman said, as she pulled Cassie into a hug. 

"Sarah, glad your back." Cassie responded when they pulled away. "How'd it go? With Robert and all?" 

"He showed up, but I wish he didn't." Sarah said, Sam and Nick watched awkwardly feeling like they were intruding. "He kept commenting about how Quinn needed to lose weight, and that she should do gymnastics or dance like a normal girl. Not soccer and basketball." The father and son duo felt bad for Quinn, who they could only assume was the girl with Sarah when they pulled up. "He's infuriating," Sarah finally looked over to the other two greeting them a little embarrassed. "Sorry about that, I'm Sarah Wilson. And that girl that was with me is my daughter, Quinnley." 

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