New Job

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~3rd Pov, After school~

Nick had just walked into his house, school having been let out an hour earlier. He walked into the living room, being met with the sight of his dad sitting in an arm chair.

"Hello, Nick." Sam greeted. "What happened to you?"

"The school called?" Nick asked while rolling his eyes.

"The vice-principal. And on the second day!" Sam said exasperated, "That's a new personal best, congratulations."

"I'm not a serial killer. I skipped a few periods." Nick defended.

"Well, now you have a few more, everyday this week." Sam told him. "Detention."

"Why are you doing this to me?" Nick said annoyed. "Man, I don't want to live here."

"You're the reason we had to move, remember?" Sam said. "To get you away from those arrogant, spoiled kids you were hanging out with."

"And who spoiled us, huh, Dad?" Nick retorted.

"Oh, yeah, it was my fault..." Sam rolled his eyes at that, "That you broke into someone's empty beach house and trashed it."

"No one else's parents had to move."

"Nobody else's parents were even in the country." Sam reminded him.

"I want to live with mom." Nick said, though he felt some part of him become sad at the aspect of leaving. But he brushed it off not knowing what caused the feeling, and continued to argue with his dad.

"And yet, I have full custody. So, it's me, it's here and it's not gonna change." Sam rebutted, "And it's for your own good." Sam added before Nick stormed off to his room.

~Quinn's Pov~

It was after school, and I was at Grey house with the Russel's for Lori's return. I was standing next to Grace in the living room, and we were talking about what we were going to do later during the afternoon. While we were talking our Mom's and her Grandpa were talking between themselves. Suddenly we heard the door open, and in walked Lori.

"Lori!" George, Grace's grandpa, said rushing over to hug her. "Let me take your bags." He said as they pulled out of the hug.

"Thank you." Lori responded, handing over her bags which George put on the floor by the door to hug her again.

"Welcome home, Lori." George told her.

"Thank you." Lori smiled, hugging him back before letting go.

"I missed you so much." Grace says as she tackles her into a hug.

"Oh, Lori. How was your trip?" Cassie asks as she hugs her other daughter, after Grace and her separated.

"It was fine. Where's Brandon?" Lori asks.

"Upstairs." Cassie told her stepping aside.

I walked over to Lori and gave her a hug as well, I had known Lori for as long as I've known Grace. And we were close, I thought of her as the big sister I've never had, same with Grace. I also thought of Brandon as a older brother, and Cassie as a second mom.

"I missed you." I told her quietly, finding comfort in her arms. Something I hadn't felt since before I visited my father, well not fully comfortable at least.

"I missed you as well, I heard that you got first in your soccer game last weekend!" Lori happily cheered, releasing me from the hug. "I'm sorry I missed it."

"No worries, there's always other games." I reassured her.

"Oh, we've got new neighbors." Grace comments, starting a conversation between the three of us.

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