Chapter. 22

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POV. 3rd person

It was the holidays! A lot happen within a short amount of time, All the misunderstandings were solved and Zamora was back in Seaford! Leaving behind, her Washington friends once again.
Her and jack were living in the apartment together, as for the tattoos and piercings, her parents didn't mind them, they , in fact adored the tattoos but weren't really fans of the piercings.

Milton and Kim decorate the Christmas, While Jerry and Jack decorated he rest of the house with christmas lights , peppermint candles, wreaths and even wrapped some gifts. Zamora baked cute little gingerbread cookies holding candy-cane drops, and some abuelita hot chocolate. It was such a peaceful day. They all enjoyed each other's company and we're getting ready for the up coming holidays.
Jack snuck up on Zamora as she finished taking the cookies out the oven to cool. "boo" he yelled ,hugging her from the back. "was that suppose to scare me" she smirked , annoyed that he couldn't scare his girlfriend he pouted like a little kid. Milton then came out of no where "Come look at the tree" Milton walked in excitedly. They went to the living room and looked at the tree , it was filled with cute ornaments, and bows. All it was missing was the star at the top which they hadn't gotten yet. They truly loved it. Christmas is going to be wonderful this year. Zamora had left and came back with cups filled with hot chocolate and mini marshmallows plus her little gingerbread cookies in a plate.

Night time had fallen everyone was on the balcony , jack took out his guitar and Zamora sang. Everyone sat there and listened to the song, It was a memorable evening, although nothing really happened they were all together and to them that's the best kind of present they thought of.
Time went on and it was just the two love birds.
"You look so beautiful" Jack said from behind Za , while she looked off into her city, he brought he a couple of her hot chocolate, she laid on the balcony couches with him and placed her head at his lap, jack played with her long soft hair . "do you think christmas is going to be great this year?"
"No, I think it's going to be amazing , Especially since i'm spending mine with you"
"I love you, mi vida"
"I love you... whatever that means"

414  words
What did y'all get for Christmas?❤️

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