Chapter 4

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[Jimin POV]

	We been practicing for a month, Jungkook is really good at dancing

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We been practicing for a month, Jungkook is really good at dancing. Since I can't really dance as much as I used to, I really been enjoying teaching him. Just watching him move it's like I'm moving too. This kid have so much talent, I really hope he can make it big in the industry.

Today I wasn't feeling particularly good. LateIy I've been feeling more tired and out of breath even with out any activity. In a couple of day I'll have my heart check up, and I'm so scare to hear that my heart it's less efficient than before, which I really think that's a big possibility. Today I didn't arrange a practice session with Jungkook, today I wanted to have the practice room to my self, I felt like taking some of my frustration out with a dance.

The music started playing, it was a sad and depressing melody, but it was perfect for a contemporary dance that can express my fear and sadness about my defective heart. Because of it, I can't do the things I love to do.

I began to dance, for a moment the world disappeared and it was just me and the music, I dance with all the energy I have left, I felt like a birds struggling to fly with a broken wing, my heart been the broken wing. When the song was over I hear someone clapping. I turn around to see Jungkook watching me, I didn't hear him coming in the studio. He was moved by my performance. That's when I realize I was crying, my eye were wet

"That was beautiful" Jungkook say.

"Thank you" I say turning away to wipe my eyes. "What you doing here? We don't have practice today"

"Yes I know, sorry I have no idea you will be here. I just wanted to practice a little bit by myself" he said.

"Ok, I'm actually leaving now, you can practice now" I say still avoiding eye contact with him.

"Are you ok, Jimin-Shi?" He ask me with concerned.

"Yes, I'm fine." I insisted, But Jungkook seem to start worrying. When he notices me avoiding eye contact he walk to me and grab my harm.

"What's going on?" Jungkook voice sounded a little more demanding. That's when I look at him, to try to keep away from him, but the moment my eye meet his I began to cry, that's when Jungkook hugged me like I was a little child. That moment was what I need it. I was scare, I was alone, I needed some who could let me know that I was going to be ok.

That day I end up telling everything about my health situation to Jungkook, how I was so scare to get my check up because I knew I was slowly dying. That moment, in that dance room, Jungkook let me cry without judging, let me take all my frustrations and fears just by listening to my voice. I never notice how easy is to talk to him. I couldn't even talk to Tae like this. He is very sensitive guy, if I star talking about my depression, he would start crying. I love that he is like that, that's where all the beautiful songs he writes comes from, but sometimes I need someone stronger than me to lift me up. This is the first time since I meet Jungkook that we have a conversation about other things not related to dance. And it really help me vent my mind about my problems.

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