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I'm so nervous, there's a lot of people here for the audition

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I'm so nervous, there's a lot of people here for the audition. And from what I can see, there's a lot of good dancer. I don't feel confident.

I look around to see if Jimin was here already. I send him a message this morning but I haven't got any reply so far. I hope he's ok. I can see the first contestant going inside the room where the judges are doing the audition, they are making it individual. So there's no way I can see how great or bad are the others.

I'm still waiting for my turn and Jimin hasn't arrived. Then I heard my name. I didn't want to go in without seen him, I kept looking around hopping to see him, there's a lot of people around, maybe he hasn't find me. But before going in I saw Taehyung. I wave at him, and look around to see if Jimin was with him. Tae run to me to wish me good luck seconds before I got inside.

"Where's Jimin?" I ask him but before he could answer, they close the door behind me so I couldn't see Tae's answer. I walk nervously in front of the judges. Right that moment my phone vibrate, I quickly got it out of my pocket to put it away before my performance. But I was able to see that it was a message from Jimin.

"I love you, you'll do great. Fighting!"

That put a smile on my face, I think he's here already, waiting outside. So I stared to perform my routine in front of the judges, giving the best of me and even pushing a little more. This was my chance and I wasn't going to waisted. I got this!

After my routine was over, they ask me to wait in another room. 30 minutes later one of the judges came to the me to let me know that I got the part. They still have to finish with all the candidates to find a backup in case something happens, but right there, they announce that I got the part. I was so exited, I wanted to let Jimin know, he knew all this time, he believed in me. So after signing my contract, I walk out where Taehyung was still waiting for me.

"Hey, how it go? Why take you so long to come out?" He ask.

"I got the part!" I told him really exited. Then I look around again, thinking that Jimin might be close. "It's Jimin here?" I ask.

"Actually, we need to talk" he said. For some reason I got a bad feeling about what he was about to say. All my excitement went away.

"What happened" I ask.

"Jimin is at the hospital right now, he's not doing ok" He said with sadness in his voice.

"No, you must be kidding me. I got a text from him, he's probably here" I say still walking around looking for him.

"Jungkook, come on, he's not here. He probably text you from the hospital. He's waiting for you, let's go give him the good news." He said with cracking voice. I followed him, I was worry but at the same time, I couldn't believe he was actually telling the true.

We actually arrive at the hospital, but still I couldn't believe it. All the way here we didn't spoke, Taehyung himself looked tired, and sleepy, like he didn't had enough sleep last night. But it was until I walk into the hospital room, and I saw a small figure laying on the bed with tubes everywhere and the quiet beeping of the heart rate monitor. Jimin was sleeping, his phone next to him holding it like he was waiting for a call.

"What happened?" I whisper, looking at Taehyung for answers.

"Last night he collapsed. Thankfully the paramedics were able to help him. But now he can't leave the hospital until he get his heart transplant. But we don't know when that be. Right now, the machine is doing his heart's job for him"

"What about his parents?" I ask.

"He doesn't want them to know yet. He's waiting to see if they find a match for his transplant or... " Tae made a pause. there was no need for him to tell me what was after that. I didn't even want to think about that. Taehyung continue "Jimin wanted to make them less worry then necessary. He said there's no point to let them know now where all they can do is worry about him. He didn't even want you to know, that's why he didn't tell you yesterday. But I told him that it was unfair to keep you guessing."

"Thanks for let me know. I wish I knew earlier" I say

"He didn't want you to worry before your audition" Tae said. I regretted not knowing, but at the same time it make me love him even more, if it that was possible. I sat next to him and hold his hand gently to kiss it.

"Tae, you should go home and rest. You were here all night, I'll stay" I told him. I think from now on we gonna have to take turns to watch him, no to leave him alone. Thankfully Taehyung took my advice and agreed to go home.

"I'll come back later. I'll bring you some food" he offered. I thank him once again and hugged him tight. The moment we both hugged. I began to cry.

"I'm so scare" I say while still holding into Taehyung harms. There's something comforting about been in his arms. Nothing sexual, but now I understand how can you love two people at the same time.

"Everything it's going to be ok" Tae said holding me tight. We stayed like that for a few minutes, until Jimin began to wake up calling my name. Tae let go of me and I give all my attention to Jimin, letting him know that I was here, next to him. That's when Taehyung walk out of the room.

"How did it go?" Jimin whisper, his voice barely there, it sounded so raspy and breathless.

I nodded and give him a smile, but still feeling sad, just to let him know that I got it, that I was going to be the main dancer of the music video. Jimin smile with difficulty, but genuine looked exited about it. I kiss his hand once more, and that's when I notice something on the floor. It was Taehyung's wallet. He probably dropped it last night. I picked it up.

"Taehyung just left, he might need this. Baby I'll be right back, I think I can catch him before he leaves without his wallet" I say, Jimin just nodded and I kiss his forehead before running out of the room after Taehyung.

I run the hallways of the hospital towards the main entrance

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I run the hallways of the hospital towards the main entrance. From far away I could see him walking away. I yell once, but he was just to far away to hear me, so I kept running, he cross the road after waiting for the green light. He was almost on the other side when I call him one last time. This time he hear me and turn around. There was a few more second to cross the road, so I run to him and suddenly ...

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