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The next day
4:00 am
"Err damn alarm..." Y/N thought to himself as he barely woke up from the great sleep he was having before the alarm rang.

Since the girls had a early schedule for a photoshoot in about a few hours, he had to get up early to prepare breakfast.

However before moving out of his room, his mind suddenly remembered a certain event from the day before....

"I like u being here with us.... I'm happy seeing u."

"M-Minju.... you're too close to me...."

Once the girl realised what she was doing she immediately let go with a huge blush on her face with the boy doing the same.

"S-sorry about that, I-I'll go to bed now. G-good night." Minju said before hurriedly walking away from the awkward scene, leaving the boy in a blushing mess."

Flashback over

"Gosh I should stop thinking about that..." Y/N thought as he started blushing once more.

Not long after he started snapping out of it before moving to fulfil his duties as IZ*ONE's manager.

Moving on to the kitchen to prepare breakfast, the boy was surprised to see one of the members already awake and sitting on the chair at the dining table.

It was Nako however instead of looking all cheerful and happy as usual, the look on her face this time was all gloomy.

"I wonder what's she doing..."

"Hey Nako, what are u doing here early in the morning? It's still pretty early u should get some sleep."


It looked like the girl was deep in thoughts as she was staring at her phone and scrolling through something.

"Nako? Nako!" Y/N shouted slightly to prevent waking the other girls up.

"Huh? Oh Y/N sorry I didn't notice u were here." Replied the little girl before looking back at her phone.

"Are.... are you alright? U don't look happy about something." Asked the boy as he looked at her worriedly.

"Say.... Y/N. Can I ask u something?"

"Yeah sure thing. What is it?"

Nako then handed Y/N her phone as he looked at the screen and was shocked to say the least at what the girl was looking at.

"I don't know what's so special about her"
"So she rose from the lowest rank to the highest rank so what?"
"U suck just get out!"

Just then, a look of fear struck his face as his hands began shaking.

"What's wrong Y/N? Are u alright?"

However none of her words got through as dreadful memories of his past started filling
Y/N's mind....


"Solo singer Kim Sungwoon accused of sexual assault."

When I first heard of the news I couldn't believe it but that wasn't any reason for me to just run away from my responsibility as a friend...

The manager (M reader x IZ*ONE)Where stories live. Discover now