you're not gay?

27 1 0

amanda's pov


''shit'' i said as i looked down at my wrist. all of my sweaters had blood stains on them. thank god i had enough bracelets to cover the cuts. im not suicidal if thats what you're thinking. im just

''amanda hurry the fuck up! you are so fucking slow!'' my mother yelled from the living room down stairs. she wasnt my biological mother {thank god, imagine those genes in me}.

"im coming." i replied.


at school things weren't that different. i mostly sat in the back of the classroom and kept my mouth shut.

"okay class we will be doing a class project with partners" the teacher said. most of the students cheered and clapped.

"however," the teacher continued, "i will be choosing your partners." the entire class got upset.

"marcus you are with jenna. kurt you are with courtney." the teacher continued.

"amanda you are with caleb" i looked up. caleb? then i saw him, looking at me.

'oh', i thought, 'that caleb'

"you will be working together on a project about problems in america and how to solve them." the teacher said. "we will now be going to the library to start your researching."

as the class got up to go to the library caleb came up to me.

"hi im caleb." he said. holding out a hand.

"im amanda." i replied, shaking his hand.


calebs pov

"amanda, that's a really pretty name." i said.

"thank you." she said.

once we got to the library, amanda and i sat next to each other.

"so we can do a project on homophobia, if you want because of your coming out." she said to me while typing on the computer.

"oh im not gay..." i said to her.

"you''re not?" she asked stunned.

"nope." i said popping the 'p'.

"oh." she replied.

"well do you still want to do that?" i asked.

"sure." she replied.

as all of this was going on only one thought crossed my mind, 'she is so cute'


amanda's pov

"um, caleb?" i asked waving my hand in front of his face. 

'he's looking at you like that because he can't believe something could be that ugly.' the voice inside my head said to me.

I looked at the computer.

"oh, im sorry. i just was think about something." he said.

"it's fine." i said without looking away from the computer.

just then the bell rang.

"do you want to work on some of this tonight?" caleb asked me. "after school, maybe at my house."

"um, sure." i said. as long as im as far away from my house as i can get.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2016 ⏰

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