Book over Pride.

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*I left a note on the floor in front of Sans then I left through a portal to LibraryTale*

(A few hours later With Sans)

*Wakes up Yawning softly and glanced around looking for Error* "Where did he go?" *I smiled sadly* "Guess I'm on my own again-"

(2 minutes After Error went to check out his books in the empty library with the Sans there)

*lays a stack of Five books on the desk* "Hey LB."

Library Sans:
"Ohh-ho! Didn't expect to see you back here Error this soon, Guess you really like books huh?" *Proceeds to check his books out*

"No! I just thought they might be of interest to a friend we start reading my last book together and I want to continue that okay"

Library Sans:
"Oooo~ Sounds like fun with your 'Friend' Hehehe" *Gives him his books and smiled lightly* "Okay Sir your all set"

"LB. Do me a favor?" *Library Sans looked at me with curiosity before nodding* "Don't tell anyone I was here again, I got to get going See ya LB. !" *I Opened a Portal and I heard Library Sans say: "No problem Error, see ya next time" *I walked through the portal disappearing into the Portal to the void*

*I saw one of Error's portal open up after a while Error came through with a stack of books which made me even more happy to see him I smiled reluctantly* "Error, welcome back"

(Thanks for reading Book over Pride.)
[Sorry it's a short Chapter School is tomorrow for me and alot is going on]
~KillerSD23 Writing out~

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