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Error: I ran right into the water in Waterfalls   and slowly got up but slipped I was helped out by someone and was about to lash out but then I was It was Sanses Brother Papyrus. "Papyrus"

Papyrus: I was just entering Waterfalls to head to Undyne's house and on my way I heard a big splash and I ran to see what it was I saw Error and He slipped so I decided to help him up he looked angry but his face got blank and nervous once he looked me in the eyes and he said my name. "Error, are you okay oh dear I... Let's get you dried and warm, I insist!" I picked up Error over my shoulder and took him to my house I put him down inside and placed him on the floor of the living room on a towel. "Wait here I'll be back with some dry clothes" I ran off upstairs.

Error: Papyrus took me to his house I wanted to look for Sans but I didn't want to upset his brother and upset Sans more even though he might be upset about me being here to see him. I sighed as I sat there on the floor glancing around. Papyrus soon ran down with some Clothes  a White T-shirt and some green sweat pants and handed it to me.

Papyrus: "Here Error Come to the Bathroom and change I'll dry your clothes once you change" Error Nodded as he got up and followed me to the bathroom then went inside and closed the door.

(Time Skips)

Papyrus: Error and I were in the living room sitting on the same couch. "Error Why did you come here today?" Error responded confusedly. "Error: Because you insisted me coming here." I sighed and frowned for a moment. "No your here for Sans" Error Nodded without hesitation and I smiled softly. "Error He's upstairs go do what ya got to do and treat him nicely I know you have reason to be here."

Error: I was frozen for a moment once he told me Sans was Upstairs knowing he was here this whole time does that mean Sans knows I'm here?!? I shook off the wondering thoughts and remembered why I'm here I ran upstairs to The first door on the right and opened it silently To see Headphones on Sanses head He probably didn't notice me open it then but to my surprise he turned his head saying. "I'm not hungry Paps-" Sanses Eyelights went out I had tears running down my face and I ran up to him and tackled Sans into his bed and hugged him tightly and he hugged back tightly too and began sobbing grossly.

Sans: Was this I dream if I was I didn't want it to end! I hugged Error back tightly as I began crying "Error!" Soon we both calmed down and stopped crying and hugging but we sat down close. "Error what are you doing here I thought you wanted to get rid of me?..."

Error: I shook my head hard. "I didn't want to get rid of you but nightmare was after you and if he killed you then the whole Multiverse would collapse and Your safe from him in your Au He didn't want to kill you but even if he got a hold of you he would have used you to rule the Multiverse and I wouldn't be able to do anything and I didn't want him to use you or have you I'm sorry I had to let the Star Sanses take you back home Sans I do love you Sansy so much I really was afraid of losing you and I'm here to show you with my actions that I love you not tell you it." I got silent and waited for his response I got scared and worried once his face twisted to anger.

Sans: I wanted to cry He actually did have a reason but he doesn't tell me anything important that's not fair I showed my anger watching how I sacred Error. "You. I want you to know that you not tell me what your reasons are aren't except able for me from now on you tell me straight forward or I will throw you out of my life!-" I sighed relaxing my face and kissed the top of Error's nose* "I love you E~"

Error: I Blushed still frightened a bit by that whole experience but I shook it off but not forgetting what he said. "So does this mean you forgive me Sans?!?" Sans Nodded and I pulled him into a Kiss.

(Thanks for Reading Explation)
~KillerSD23 Writing out~

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