New person lucifer part 1

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How he came to find you

He recently got someone pregnant and signed a contract well she died giving birth and had you when he first saw you he thought you were just to cute and to tiny to fight him so he kept you

First word
You were in the garden picking flowers while crawling well he stub his toe and yelled fuck off
Well you repeated what he said and he fainted when you said that

When you walk
You saw your dad looking over fires and you saw that and picked your legs up and stood and walked to him and fell when you gave up he looked at this smiling



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Your songs

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Your songs




He homeschools you

When you get your period
As usual he looked at you and saw blood coming from you and so he told you and you didn't listen so you screamed when you saw and you passed out so what a lovely morning for you

Come away it's a great movie

Who is like your mother
Well let's say killing kate

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