Chapter 1 say hello to mork the dork!

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it was a sunny and sorda cloudy day in ork a planet 500,000 bleams away from earth...there was life on that plaet it had 3 moons and one sun and an orkan named mork. He was a misfit wich meant he was different from the other orkans.

he was on his to school on ork. Since orkans aged backwards mork looked 16 or 14 bleams old. Morl put on his space suit and his shiny silver gloves. His hair was how it was always was big and fluffy. He looked towards the window of his room the gleemed with light makeing his childesh blue eyes sparkle. He smiles.

Okay..just relax they wont know your secrect unless you let them see. Mork thought. He opened the door and stepped out onto the flowers that covered the ground.

he walks nervousely as other orkans glare at him and wave. Mork just gives them a smile.

Good morning niera! He says.

Morning morkie. Niera was one of mork best buddys since they were small aliens niera was a girl she had long red hair that shined in the moonlight her eyes where like two peieces of pale blue glass and she had a slim figure with a smile that could light up the entire universe.

Niera? Can i ask you something.

Sure mork. Niera replied flipping her hair sideways.

mork is about to talk but stops siddenly.

Never mind. He says and walks off slowly and shyley.

Mork arives at his highschool were he sees many orkans stop to chat with friends. Mork had friends but for some reason none of them even bothered to talk to mork.

EICKO!! mork calls from across the sidewalk.

mork my main orkan man! They both share a handshake.

Whay it is, what it was, and what it sha'll be. Mork replies.

Say have you fininshed that boom i leant you?

Uh..yagh?? Eicko says awkwardly.

Wats the matter?

Nothing...eicko turns his head to the right and sees tel looking right at him.

um..listen mork i just remembered i have to go take care of something i'll see you later. Eicko walks off.

Udder confusion?? Must've been something i said?? mork thought.

Tel walks up to mork with an evil grin on his face.

Mork..hows my best friend doin? He wraps his arm around morks neck and starts playfully messing up his hair.

Mork escapes from hia grasp. Friends? But you told me- tel cuts him off.

Yagh listen mork.. i know eicko is your friend and all have to let him go. Tel says.

excuse me! Mork says. Im confused??

tel scoffs at mork and puts both hands on morks shoulders.

What im trying to say is that you and eicko...

Mork looks at tel with a puppy face.

You and eicko..i dont want you hanging out with him no more. Tel says.

why? Mork asks.

dont know and dont care! Tel says walking off.

mork stands alone in the school yard as he crosses his arms and gives a worried expression on his face soon he feels all three of his hearts get heavy.
oh emotions are starting up again.. mork thinks.

He runs away from the school and heads home.

as soon as mork gets home he locks the door and sits in front of it with his back against the door.

that was a close one. He mumbles.

mork takes off his gloves and feels his cold and warm hands.

mork slowly puts one hand down on the floor and a red flash of light flows out from his palm.

SHAZBOT! Mork yells.

He looks at his other hand but this time lifts it up. He holds it still for a moment and again a red flash of light flows out from his palm.

Oh no. He says in a worried tone.

mork walks up to the window of his room and looks out up at the sky.

i wonder what it feels like to be normal?

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