Chapter 5 Twist and shout!

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~mindys P.O.V~

Mindy was inside her fathers music store sweeping the floor and also had the beatles twist and shout song playing on the record palyer she had had with her she was danceing woth the broom twirling and lip singing too her father mr.connell was running errands he was the stores owner.  mindy jumping up and down until her favorite part of the song came she had been so into the song that she had'nt noticed a customer walk in.

Excuse me? He said. Mindy ignored him cause the Music was too loud for her to hear him. The customer taps on her shoulder mindy gasps in embaressement!

uh-uh hi?? Mindy said in covering her face in embarressment.

You sure like to dance..he replied laughing.

yagh yagh i do mindy starts to blush in embarressment.

She puts the broom down.what can i do for you....

~Morks P.O.V~

Mork wandered the streets of boulder colorado wearing a sweater,rainbow suspenders,and some pants and sneakers. He looked at the buildings that surrounded the area. Shazbot! Must be a breeding house Ark Ark Ark! Mork stroll off and stops in front of a store a man walks out of it mork enters the store.

He sees mindy at the counter cleaning a trumpet.

excuse me? Mork says. Mindy looks up.

yes how may i help you today. Mork say nothing because he looking into her eyes as grin appears on his face.

woagh...mork says in a wierd voice.

Mindy starts to giggle. Ha ha.

Im sorry what as the question again? mork asks lifting one eyebrow.

Do you need something? Mindy asks.

your pretty! Wait wat?? Mork says confusionly. Mindy smiles. Are you okay? She asks standing next to him.

No-i mean yes! Yeas im fine.

Mindy rolls her eyes. Well let me know if you need anything. She walks off as mork looks around but looks back just to catch a glimpse of mindy.

Shes beautiful.. mork thought.

mindy turns on the record player to the same song twist and shout by the beatles. She starts swaying left to right as she organizes some papers.

Mork looks back with a confused look.

mindy starts twirling around again and also lips sings. Mork stands next to the counter and smiles almost to thr point of laughing.

Mindy looks at him holding out her hand. Dance with me!

Dance? .....sure! Mork takes mindys hand and starts twirling her around and around mindy smiles.

mork pulls her close to him and wraps his arm around her waist holding one hand of hers.

So whats you name? Mindy asked.

Mork! He replies. The record stops.

Mindy switches the side to side B. A slow beatles song called hey jude starts playing.

Lets slow dance mork. Mindy suggests.

Mork pulls her close to him as they start to sway.

So where are you from?

Ork......mork says.

Ork? Is that a country or something? Mindy asks.

No.its acuatly a planet in space! Mork says. 

Mindy glares at him for a brief moment. Wait are you trying to tell me your an alien? Mindy asks.

Mork nods. Yep!

Mindy laughs thats a good one mork! I almost thought you were an alien.

Mindy takes off the record mork stands there looking confused.

But i am an alien mindy? Mindy turns around. Really? Your not jokeing. Mork shakes his head. Okay well if your an alien why dont you come home with me and show me that your really an alien! Mindy says stepping closer to mork.  Okay...i will. Mork replies sticking his chest out to look tough.

Okay then lets go to my house and prove to me your an alien. Mindy says in a sarcastic tone. Mindy steps out the door.
boy is she in for a surprise! mork thought.

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