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Why did it take me this long to notice? Not the right colour toothbrush, not the right uniform... 

My room and everything else seems the same, so that's weird. No- that's normal. 

Well, at least the green hair looks normal. Wait, why would it be normal? Maybe I should just ignore it and go to school like any average, normal character would do.

Right, so if my school uniform is different, my school would probably be different. I'll try follow someone with the same uniform. Not in a stalk-ish way, of course. (Isn't that the whole point of being a stalker?)

Walking through the main road, and there's a few people around with the same uniform. Great, great, that's good. I'm not going to talk to them of course, I'll just casually follow them.

Everyone's hair is so bright coloured. Is this supposed to be normal? We've arrived at the school. I think.

No...wait, no. Is this the school I think it is? No- that's impossible. I can't possibly be magically transferred into a cartoon that I haven't even finished watching.

Well. Maybe I spoke too soon. The teacher hasn't introduced me, so maybe I'm already a character- I mean, student, at this school. In fact, the teacher isn't even here. 

I sit in an empty spot. I don't think I've seen anyone sit here before, so it should be no problem.

"Hey, have you heard there's a new transfer student?"

"A transfer student?"

"Again? What is so wrong with their old schools?"

"Oh well, it's not like anyone cares, am I right?"

Oh, right. Okay. I look pretty normal, so nobody has noticed the fact that the transfer student is, in fact, me.

Wait, now that I'm thinking about it, do we even have a teacher?

"Okay everyone! Settle down! I have been informed that there is a transfer student here. Please raise your hand if you are the transfer student!" A man with red hair speaks. Ah, right. Is this Hairo?

"I guess they did not hear me. PLEASE RAISE YOUR HAND IF YOU ARE THE TRANSFER STUDENT!!" Well, this did get everyone's attention, all right. I think my ears might be bleeding.

What am I supposed to do? Just raise my hand- right? It's not hard. I think.

Shaking a little, I stand up. All I had to do was put my hand up, but my body moved without me being able to do anything.

"Ah, so you are the transfer student!"

If someone says "transfer student" one more time, I'm going to lose it.

"So, transfer student, what's your name? Or can I call you 'transfer student'? Haha, I'm joking, transfer student. Where did you transfer from? Oh, and your name is-"

"I'm..." Well? Do I just say my name? But, this is a chance to think of a cool name... "Y/N,"

"Y/N? Is that pronounced Why-slash-Enn?" 

"No, it's Y/N! Not Y slash N."  

"That's the same thing."

"It's... not."

Oh well, I'm not in the mood to argue, so I sit down. I don't know how I should feel. It seems like I'm normal. 

I already know everyone, but they don't know that. So, I'll just wait for people to talk to me. I don't really expect myself to talk to the main characters of the show, I'd be very hesitant. I'm sure that I don't want to embarrass myself in front of anyone, so I'll just wait.

Wait, doesn't that pink-haired-man have superpowers or something? Saiki, was it? Can he hear what I'm thinking right now? Does he know that I'm not even supposed to be here?

Well, someone is walking towards me. That's good, I didn't want to become a loner in this life too. This is... Aiura, right?

"Eh? You know my name?"


"Wait, did I say that out loud?"

"Yes, yes you did." She doesn't seem fazed by it at all, though. Did she already know I was going to be here? "Come with me." 

Walking into a room, with 2 people. Well, now, 4.

The... Psychic Kids?

"Oh? Who's this? And, you already know our title! Did Mikoto tell you?" Purple hair says. Is this the attractive version of Mineta in the show?

And... I spoke out loud again.

"I didn't, actually." Aiura says.

"What? Oh, are we famous?" 

"No, but I happened to know that this kid would know about us!" 

"WHAT! How?" This guy is more stupid than I thought. Hm.

"I told you about this yesterday! Did you forget I'm a soothsayer? Anyways, I believe this person already knows that we're psychic. I mean, they did already call us our title. Right?" She looks at me.

"Ah- mhm, yes." I say, sounding a little lost.

"So tell me, how do you already know my name?" Mikoto sits down.

"Oh- well.. It's a little confusing. I don't think it would make sense to yo-"

"Look. This man can talk to animals, I think it would make sense."

How do I explain that I'm from another world? I'll just be sounding like Kaidou.

"Well, um. Basically, you aren't real." Wait, that didn't come out right.


"What does that mean?"

"No- I mean, well- I'm not... from this world?"

"Who's not from this world?" The door busts open with a man who looks like a gorilla and a shorter man with red bandages. Oh, wait.

I don't know what to do, so I just sit there.

Everyone seems to be talking to eachother, so I decide it's a safe exit. I don't think anyone is going to notice.

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