Chapter 5

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Third person p.o.v

  Over the next few days, Minhee, Yeona, Eunbi and Saemi grew extremely close to each other, especially Minhee and Eunbi. They did everything together, and were never ever apart.

Minhee p.o.v

  Minhee had slowly developed a crush on Sunoo as well. She took notice of that tingling sensation whenever she saw him and her stuttering whenever he spoke to her and assumed that she had a crush on him after she told Eunbi about it. Yes, Eunbi.

  "Eunbi, can i ask you a question?" Minhee asked Eunbi while they were seated in the cafeteria having lunch.

  "Sure, what is it?" Eunbi replied, mouth stuffed with food.

  "Let's say A gets this tingling sensation whenever she sees B and A's heart beats faster too. What does this mean? I'm just asking in general haha." Minhee laughed awkwardly, trying to explain her situation without making it obvious that it's her.

  "Hmmmm, that probably means that A likes B!" Eunbi replied enthusiastically while making jazz hands.

  "WHAT?! I mean, wow that's cool i guess hahaha!" Minhee tried to play it cool to not sound like she was shocked.


  Phew, glad she didn't realise that it was me i was referring to, Minhee thought.

Eunbi p.o.v

  Eunbi actually knew that Minhee was referring to herself as she was being really obvious due to her not being able to lie.

  Ugh, why must you like Sunoo too? Eunbi thought and mentally rolled her eyes at the thought of Minhee and Sunoo being a thing.

Third person p.o.v

  They finished their lunch a while later and left to meet up with the rest in their designated room, room five.

a/n: hello there! Thanks for waiting for my update and sorry for not updating for so long ksbsksgssgaka
I hope you guys are safe and healthy now and always wear your masks! <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2021 ⏰

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