Chapter 9

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After the conversation was over, Y/N told Optimus that she had to go to the Decepticons in order to speak to Megatron about the relationship. Optimus understood dearly and kissed her goodbye. Y/N left the room of the Autobots pond and entered the Decepticons pond. She stopped right at the edge of the cold water since the Decepticons like to have dark. 

"Hello?" Y/N called out.

That's when Soundwave appeared. He was Megatron's most trusted team member. Whenever he spoke, it was a bit weird but he was just Soundwave. "Soundwave: asks Y/N what she wants." He also respected Y/N dearly.

Y/N smiled. "Hey, Soundwave. I came here to speak to Megatron. Can I speak to him? It's important."

Soundwave nodded and went back underwater to get his leader. Y/N sat down at the edge and waited. The other Decepticons were busy. Knockout was a medic for example so he was highly busy. Almost a minute later, Megatron popped out. "Caretaker? You wanted to speak to me?" He was surprised.

Y/N opened her mouth and was about to speak until Megatron quickly interrupted when he saw her swollen legs. "What happened to your legs?" He swam to her and placed her legs over his shoulders to rub them gently. 

"I was practicing to run again normally," Y/N said sheepishly while blushing.

Megatron then started to leave gentle kisses on her both legs, enjoying her soft skin. "I sense that you want to speak to me about sharing a relationship?"

Y/N looked shocked. "How on earth did you know?!"

"I sensed it, my dear.~"

Y/N blushed. "R-Right... Well, Optimus confessed his love to me and I told him that... I want both of you sharing me because I saw the love signs that you both showed. Do you mind?" She really hoped that he would agree.

Megatron smirked. "I don't mind sharing you with Optimus. As long as you're ok with it."

Y/N squealed in happiness as she jumped into his arms. But she slipped and almost fell since her legs were over his shoulders! Megatron caught her bridal style and smirked! He leaned down and kissed her fully on the lips. He growled obsessively since he has a mate. Well, she was Optimus' mate too. Y/N moaned quietly at that.

Jeez, what a day...

Later that night~

Y/N walked home after this crazy day. She kissed the leaders goodbye and waved to others. Some of them were hugs. She's very happy to have Optimus and Megatron as her lovers! But she couldn't help but sense something strange that will happen... It won't be another car accident, ... right? The human girl couldn't but turn around all the time or to look over her shoulder all the time. After 10 minutes, nothing happened. Maybe it was just her mind playing tricks on her? 

She started to calm down and walk normally. But there was the same black van parked close. Someone came out, completely covered in black clothes. The man ran to Y/N very fast, grabbed Y/N, and put a white cloth over her mouth. Y/N squealed and struggled, trying to get free but she fell into complete darkness. The man picked her up and took her to the van. The van closed once everyone was inside and it started to drive.

"Good work. Now, we can do tests on her," said a familiar evil voice.

A week later~

It's been a week since Y/N went missing. She mysteriously disappeared without a trace... Optimus and Megatron were worried sick about their mate. Agent Fowler went to look for her every day while others went to work. The kids heard about Y/N's disappearance and they were worried sick about their friend. Sometimes, when the kids were free, they helped Agent Fowler but still no trace...

"Optimus, you need to sleep. It's not healthy for you," Ratchet scolded his old friend.

Optimus was swimming back and forth, extremely worried. Yes, he needs rest but he couldn't stop thinking where his Caretaker was. "I can't, old friend. What if she's dead?"

"Optimus, I assure you that she's alive. But if she's fine, ... I don't know."

Optimus then stopped and was thinking. Was his mate alive? Was she fine? Where was she? The Prime was about to respond until Agent Folwer burst inside with his grey phone in hand. Each Autobot and the kids look at him. 

"Agent Fowler, what's wrong?" Optimus asked while swimming forward.

"It's Y/N! I was just busy in my office when I got a phone call from the M.E.C.H!"

Everyone was shocked by the news. Why did the M.E.C.H. call? Why did they want it? Optimus was getting furious. M.E.C.H. was the biggest enemy of the Merformers. They want to kidnap one and do painful experiments. It actually happened to poor Breakdown... He was kidnapped when he was small. It was unknown how it happened. Agent Folwer managed to rescue him but Breakdown sadly lost one of his eyes. He wore a black eyepatch to this day...

"Does M.E.C.HH have Y/N?!" Miko shouted.

"Now hold on! Yes, they do have Y/N! We must rescue her! They kidnapped her a week ago when she was walking home!"

Some of the Merformers gasped in shock. Optimus looked more furious than ever. He let out a loud growl, causing everyone to look at the leader, shocked. They never ever heard him growl before! 

"We need to rescue my mate. Now!"

"You mean 'our' mate, Optimus," said a familiar voice. 

They all looked and saw the Decepticons! How in Primus did they get in?! Holy shit! Megatron apparently heard the news and gathered his team. He told the plan and they apparently broke in. "Let's team up and rescue our mate."

Optimus nodded and looked very serious. He then looked at his team. "Autobots, grab your weapons. We're rescuing Y/N." He then looked at Agent Fowler. "Open the gate, Agent Fowler."

"Decepticons, get ready!" Megatron roared

Agent Fowler nodded. "Be careful out there. He then walked to the control room and pressed the button. The gate opened a bit slowly and the Merformers swam off at high speed.

"Wait, Megatron and Optimus are Y/N's boyfriends?!" Miko shouted shocked.

"Mates, Miko. Mates." That's what Raf only said while Jack sighed. 

Now, Agent Fowler, June Darby, and the kids could only wait for the Merformers return, along with Y/N...

The next chapter will be last!

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