Chapter 10

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The Merformers swam fast as they could towards the M.E.C.H. hiding place. Optimus and Megatron both took the lead of the giant team as they were holding big spears. They were the leaders after all. It was for the very first time that the Autobots and the Decepticons paired up together. When the war broke out, they didn't work together at all. They were enemies. There were even traitors around that would betray their team, friends, family, loves ones... 

"We arrived. Everyone, be prepared to attack," Megatron and Optimus said at the same time. 

Others nodded as they took their weapons out. Megatron literally ram the sewers open in rage as he started to roar. He swam forward while others followed him fast.

Meanwhile inside, Y/N was inside a big water tank, unconscious. It was a tank where the test subjects were put in. Y/N felt like a one disgusted test subject. She at first, was tortured in a room. M.E.C.H was demanding her to tell everything about the Merformers but she refused. She was then knocked unconscious. She was strapped on the table and they... did painful experiments on her. It was a really big nightmare. Silas, the leader of the M.E.C.H. did something to her... Something that will change her life forever. 

While Silas was watching Y/N floating in the tank, he heard someone shouting at him. "Sir! We have intruders! Merformers!

Silas snapped around. "Kill them all!" He then watched how his workers started to shoot. The Merformers missed every. Single. One. 


Y/N was in total darkness. She couldn't move at all but she did hear noises. There was yelling, shots, and other stuff. She knew that the Merformers came to her rescue. She tried desperately to open her eyes or move her body. But she couldn't at all. She's angry that she couldn't move at all. She tried and tried but then... she felt warm familiar muscled arms around her. It was Optimus or Megatron. She then felt herself being carried away to safety... She's saved.

At the SARC center~

Y/N groaned as she opened her eyes. When she was awake, she realized that she was not in the clinic's room but UNDERWATER! What?! Y/N swam up but she yelped because of the pain. She hissed as she put her hands on her side, trying to stop the bleeding. But what she saw next, caused her to scream. Instead of human legs, she had a mermaid tail!

"Yip! Yip! Yip! Yip! What are you doing?!" It was the grumpy Ratchet who spoke. He quickly swam and brought Y/N back to a... shell bed? 


"Calm down, doll. You don't want to make yourself worse, now do you?~" Typical Knockout.

Y/N was lost and confused now... 

Ratchet sighed and grumbled. "You've been unconscious for a day. Apparently, M.E.C.H. did experiments on you. I'm sorry but... You'll be like this for the rest of your life as a..."

"Merformer," Knockout smirked.

"Or what humans call it... a mermaid," Ratchet quickly corrected it. 

Y/N was so shocked that she couldn't speak. She will be a mermaid forever? But then she can't live as a normal human anymore... She'll have to learn to accept that she's now a mermaid. She can't work anymore as their Caretaker...

"My dear, you're awake," Optimus said as he swam towards her with Megatron next to him. He gently lifted Y/N up and placed her on his lap while Megatron grabbed her hand in his bigger one.

"You made us worried sick," Megatron said softly.

Y/N looked down guilty. But then her chin was lifted up gently by Megatron so that Y/N was looking at the leaders. At least Ratchet and Knockout were not with them to give them privacy.

"Y/N, no matter what, you'll be always our dear Caretaker. We will love you forever and we are thankful for what you did to us. You're so beautiful as a mermaid," Optimus complimented with a smile. He played with her hair.

"Even hot (or sexy).~" Megatron smirked.

Optimus then glared at him. Megatron only smirked as a response. But the leaders snapped their heads to her when they heard her laughing hard. So hard that she clutched her stomach. You're wondering how their beautiful mate looks like? Well, her tail was beautiful. The colors were dark red, dark blue, and grey, matching the colors of her mates. She wore an F/C shell as her bra. She also had surprisingly beautiful white pearls in her hair! It was almost like a crown! She actually looked a lot like a princess! Was she like Ariel from The Little Mermaid? What the frag...

Y/N calmed down and she hugged her mates. She also gave them a kiss on their lips. She heard purrs as a response to her love affection. They spend like that for a few minutes...


"May we have everyone's attention?" Optimus spoke in his leader's voice.

Everyone stopped what they were doing, including humans. Agent Fowler, the kids, and June Darby were very relieved that Y/N was ok but their jaws dropped once she was now a mermaid instead of a regular human. Miko was about to literally bombard her with questions again but at least Jack covered her mouth and gave a warning look. Miko frowned.

"We declare that the war is over. We understood that if this continued... then horrible things would happen, including to our mate," Megatron said. He then continued on and on. Everyone listened carefully. Y/N was in the middle while the leaders were holding her hands. She kept them calm like how she was when was known as their Caretaker. She was still the same!

Once Megatron was finished, everyone cheered and hugged each other. The war is over! Y/N giggled as she hugged Optimus and Megatron. "I'm so proud of you both!"

They both purred and they nuzzled her affectionately. But however, Miko started to bombard questions, causing some of the Merformers and humans to have this expression: -_-

A few years later~

A few years passed by ever since the war was over. Agent Fowler didn't have to deal anymore with the fights of the war. The Decepticons moved back to the pond like in the old times and the Merformers were together again! 

And you what else happened....?

Y/N was a mother! A mother of two kids! One boy and one girl. Their names were S/N and D/N. The kids have different fathers but the same mother. Don't get confused or fooled. D/N was the daughter of Optimus and S/N was the son of Megatron. Speaking of the once warlord, his eyes turned back to blue! 

Ratchet and Knockout helped with the delivery while June Darby checked their health. They both were healthy and the parents took care of the kids. 

So there you go... the story ends here. A love story between two Merfromers (who are leaders) and a human that got turned into a mermaid. The end.

That's the end! I'm obviously very tired. I've been working on this a lot. So I hope you all enjoyed the book! I'm glad that you all enjoyed the cuteness! I already made a cover of a new book. The new story will be published tomorrow! 

Get ready for a bumpy ride ;)

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