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"Go go I'll find a parking lot" Hunter said as he let Knox out of the car. Knox nodded and grabbed Zyria out from backseat and she screamed as another contraction hit her.

Little Sia frowned and stared at Zyria with a look of disgust as she held her little teddy bear in her tiny little hand

"Help! My wife is in labor" Knox screamed as he carried a screaming Zyria into the hospital. Mountain of nurses formed around Knox and instructed him to lay her down in a gurney.


"I hate you!" Zyria screamed as she groaned as another contraction hit her.

Zyria has been in labor for five hours now and is only five centimeters dilated. Knox frowned and sighed rubbing her hand softly only for her to yank her hand away.

"I'm sorry baby" Knox said and she glared at him.

"I swear to god I'm never having sex with you ever again" Zyria screamed before she held her stomach as she cried.

"Yeah okay baby" Knox said rolling his eyes.

"Why did you do this to me" Zyria said bursting into tears making Knox's eyes widened.

"Baby I'm sorry" Knox said kissing her forehead softly. Zyria shook her head covering her face with her hands as she cried.

"I look so ugly right now" Zyria cried and Knox frowned

"Shouldn't you be worrying about your pain?" Knox asked her and Zyria glared at him.

"Tell me that I'm beautiful!" Zyria screamed and Knox jumped nodding.

"You are very beautiful baby" Knox smiled at her as he shook his head kissing her lips softly

"Thank y-" Zyria cut her self off by screaming as another contraction hit her.


"Okay mama it's time to push" The doctor said putting gloves on. Zyria's eyes widened and she shook her head repeatedly as she pouted.

"I can't I-I can't do this Knox" Zyria said shaking her head repeatedly. Knox smiled down at her and took her hand kissing it softly.

"We can do this baby okay? We can do this. You push and squeeze my hand whenever you need me okay?. We going to take this one step at a time I promise. Just push and scream let it all out baby" Knox mumbled down at her and Zyria nodded before breathing heavy.

"Okay mama I'm going to count to three and then I want you to push as hard as you can" the doctor instructed Zyria and she nodded.




"Push!" The doctor screamed and Zyria's eyes closed right as she screamed pushing.


"You both have created such beautiful babies" a nurse commented as she smiled at both Knox and Zyria who smiled back at her.

"Thank you" Zyria said softly before looking down at her little baby who was hooked to wires due to being born prematurely.

"What's their names" the nurse asked as she got ready with the birth certificates.

"This little one right here is Isla Jada Stone" Knox said smiling down at the baby girl he sat next to.

"And this little one is Isabelle Mariah Stone" Zyria said and the nurses down writing down the babies names on their birth certificates. A knock sounded on the door and another nurse came in.

"Sorry but it's time for us to check the babies up to the NICU." She said softly and Zyria nodded before leaning back in the bed as she groaned softly.

"You both can visit them whenever you like" another nurse before they began wheeling the babies out of the room.

"We did it Knox" Zyria said softly as she looked over at her boyfriend before gasping.

"Knox what are you doing" Zyria asked in shock as she looked at her boyfriend was down on one knee smiling at her.

"Well I been waiting for those nurses to leave so I can ask you the most important question ever." Knox chuckled softly as he took her hand.

"Zyria I know that we are young and probably just stupidly in love but I don't care. You just gave me two little miracles I never thought I would want in my entire life." Knox chuckled and Zyria smiled.

"Zyria I love you more than anything I could ever imagine and I know that I want to be with you for the rest of my life. You are truly my everything and I never to want to go a day without you in my life." Knox paused as Zyria shook her head with tears rolling down her cheeks.

"I want to grow old with you and watch our grandkids grow up together. I want to listen to your horrible singing as you sing a little lullaby to our beautiful princesses and hopefully soon princes. I want to experience the impossible with you Zyria Parker. And I know I will not be able to survive without you in my life"

"So I guess what I'm trying to say here is that I love you and I would like it if you say yes to becoming my forever." Knox said before pulling a ring out of his pocket and lifting it up to Zyria.

"Will you marry me Zyria Parker" Knox asked and Zyria let out a loud sob before nodding her head.

"Yes yes" She said and Knox smiled big before getting up putting the ring on her finger. Zyria grabbed his face and pulled him into a kiss which Knox gladly smiled and accepted.

"You're my always" She whispered against his lips and Knox smiled.

"And you're my forever" he said before kissing her again.


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