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Zyria walked down Kaia's stairs and into the living room where everyone was seated waiting. She had on blue high jeans and a white crop top with a black and white flannel on top. She had her hair up in a cute messy bun with some all white vans on. Her face was gifted with some mascara and foundation with some clear lip gloss.

"Hey y'all" she said and they all looked at her before Kaia smiled. Kaia had on a similar outfit like Zyria's except she had on a red and black plaid shirt on top instead of white and black.

"Twins" Kaia said and Zyria smiled before sitting in Kaia's lap. Everyone decided to hang out at the bowling alley for the night before they all went home to leave for thanksgiving.

"Y'all look cute" Jada said leaning against Hunter's chest. Jada had her hair pulled into a low ponytail and some white and black vans on. She wore a grey sweatshirt and some high waisted black ripped jeans.

"We all look amazing now let's go" Dakota said commenting everyone before she stood up walking toward the front door. Everyone followed after her and Kaia made sure to lock the front door before we walked to our cars.

Zyria walked to Knox's car and leaned against the passenger door looking down at her phone.

"I'm surprised you ain't riding with little your best friend" Knox said and Zyria looked up shrugging.

"She is dating Dakota now so I don't want to be third wheeling in their car plus I like riding with you" she replied and got in the car once he unlocked the doors. He started the car quickly and Zyria put her seatbelt on.

"Hey so you know how you aren't doing nothing for thanksgiving right" Zyria said and Knox nodded driving down the road following behind Jada and Hunter's car.

"Why don't we hang out thanksgiving day. I mean have the family dinner but I mean you could come and we can hang out afterwards" Zyria said as she shrugged looking out the window. Knox glanced at her for a second before looking back at the road.

"Sure that's fine" he said and rolled his window some just as Zyria turned the radio on. Music filled the car and Zyria leaned back in the seat mouthing the words.

"You know you want to hang out with me don't sound so bored about it" Zyria said as she smiled looking at Knox.

"Nah I don't really like you" Knox joked and Zyria laughed before leaning up.

"You like me I'm the best" she replied and looked over to see Knox had no seatbelt on.

"Put your seatbelt on" she said causing the boy to raise his eyebrow and shake his head.

"Put it on" Zyria said looking at the road before looking back at him.





"Nooo" Knox said laughing before pulling up at a gas station. Zyria frowned and Knox stopped the car parking it.

"Can you tell them to put twenty on four" Knox said giving Zyria the money. She nodded and hurried out the car and into the little shop.

"Twenty on number four" Zyria said putting the money on the counter. She looked out the window at Knox who was leaning against his car staring at the ground with a hard look.

"Thank you" Zyria said when she realized that the man behind the counter was done. She walked back outside and Knox started pumping the gas into the car.

"Yeah Kaia?" Zyri said into her phone as she answered the phone call from her best friend.

"Where y'all at?" Kai nosey self asked and Zyria quickly told her.

"Okay well we ended getting two lanes so three people per lane. They ended doing boys against girls with the exception that Dakota is on the boys team." She said and Zyria nodded.

"Okay that's fine" she said before quickly hanging up. She looked up to see Knox was finish and she got back into the car.

"Put your seatbelt on" Zyria said immediately after Knox got into the car. He groaned and nodded putting it on like she said.

"Thank you" she mumbled smiling before putting hers on as well.


"Finally y'all made it" Kai said as the boy and girl walked toward them. Zyria rolled her eyes and hugged her best friend.

"We ordered some food" Dakota said eating some nachos. Zyria sat down next to Jada and Knox sat down next to her. She grabbed some fries and leaned back in the seat.

"It's neon night" Hunter said and Zyria nodded looking around.

"So it's boys against girls" Zyria said and they all nodded.

"I told them to put you on the boys team but Hunter really pleaded for me" Dakota said rolling her eyes. Zyria smiled and looked at Knox who was eating some nachos.

"But Zyria is amazing at bowling which is why I wanted her on my team" Kaia said and Zyria shrugged.

"You like bowling" Hunter asked her and she shook her head.

"No I hate bowling but I'm good at it" She replied and ate some more fries.

"Damn maybe I should have picked you for our team" Hunter said frowning making Dakota laugh.

"I'm good too motherfucker" Dakota said throwing a fry at Hunter who caught it in his mouth.

"You okay" Zyria mumbled to Knox who had a pained expression on his face.

"I just have a headache" he mumbled and Zyria reached up rubbing Knox's temples softly. He watched her as she focused on his head biting her lip.

"That feels good" Knox commented and Zyria smiled.

"I use to get headache a lot as a kid and my brother use to do this for me to get them to stop" She said and leaned back pulling her fingers off of him. Knox studied her and nodded slowly before turning back to the group who were talking and laughing.

"Okay let's play" Kaia said excitedly standing up and walked to her lane. Everyone got up and Zyria walked to the girls lane before casting a look over ag the boys lane where Hunter was grilling Dakota about how they needed to win.

Knox looked over at Zyria and she sent him a small smile before looking away.

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