A few weeks later (time travel: a loki story pt4) ,

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It has been a few weeks since Loki showed up and the whole nightmare situation. We have barely spoken. We usually just don't speak to each other. After whatever happened with the nightmare though Loki seemed somewhat over protective. Whenever I would do something not even dangerous he would take over. It was weird. We still had no where to go so we were still stranded in the middle of space just floating along. Before Loki showed up I was suppose to go back to earth to meet up with a friend that I did not actually want to see.

Even when me and Loki weren't in the same room I always felt like he was watching me. He was a creep.

I was doing okay until yesterday when my ships power was overwritten and a hologram of an old friend popped up. My dad. When I saw it I felt like I couldn't breathe like something was suffocating me. I pulled my hands over my eyes and rubbed them thinking that maybe I was imagining it until I opened them back up and he started speaking.
"Come home" was all he said
He said one thing
That was it
And then he was gone.
Tears subconsciously streamed down my face and the suffocating feeling strengthened. Loki must have heard my sobbing because he ran right into the room. I was tucked in the corner of the room with my hands tightly pulled over my eyes trying to wipe away the picture of my dad and memories whirling around my head. He came over to me and brought me closer to him pulling my hands away from my eyes and holding them in his own. He let go of one to wipe away the tears that sat on my cheek.
"Breathe, y/n , breathe it's okay" he said soothingly
"No , n-nothing is okay h-he's back and..."
Loki pulled me into his lap and I nuzzled my head into his chest muffling the rest of my sentence.
"It's okay, see I'm here to protect you from anything" he said as he rested his head on top of mine.
When I first met Loki he seemed horrible and that he hated me but now he's nice and kind and charming and ....... oh shut up y/n.

We sat like that for the next few minutes my tears making a patch on the green shirt that he wore. He held me tight like he might lose me if he were to let go. I lifted my head off of his chest and looked at his face, his hand came up and wiped the tears off of my cheek and brushed a lock of my hair out my face. Before I knew it he kissed me , and I kissed back.

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