Chapter 1:

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Throughout my early adolescent years I’ve always seen high school be something of a hell on earth. Bullying fights, bullying, and even more fights.  That’s how the media pertains high school. It strikes fear into incoming freshman. Not me. I wasn’t scared of something like high school.

I woke up early that day. It was the first time I was going to school without my mom in the kitchen making sandwiches, or my dad running late, unable to locate his shoes. I let out a suppressed sigh and lifted myself off the bed. When I first moved here I didn’t want my new room to resemble much of my old room. I just had a bed, a dresser, and a small TV on top the dresser. No photos or posters. No pink wallpaper with white flowers. Bland.

I began getting ready for school. I didn’t know if the school had dress code. In fact, I didn’t really know anything about the school. I should’ve really gone to freshman orientation. Well there’s no time to dwell on that now. I put on a black and grey trimmed camisole with black jeans. Nothing extravagant. Simple.

I made my way downstairs to where my aunt was bustling around in the kitchen. She had a son, Ryan, who was a sophomore this year. We both go to the same school. North California Technical Academy. NCTA. Sometimes nicknamed Redwood High. All I know is that it’s not like a “traditional” high school.  And that it’s only been open for one school year. It’s a new school.

“Good morning Grace. You ready for school?” My aunt smiled as she placed bacon on the two plates set out in front of her. I nodded and walked forward. I couldn’t find my backpack. I don’t remember if I even had one.

“Okay so I talked to the principal and they finally received your transcript from Michigan. They have made your schedule so you just have to go to the registration office. Oh, do you need me to come with you? I totally can, it’s no problem. I mean if you want me to.”

I smiled. A little. “No, it’s okay. I know today is your first day as a news reporter so I don’t want you to be late for that.”

She nodded and rushed to the coffee pot. I sat on a stool at the breakfast bar waiting for my food. Aunt Gwen placed the food in front of me as she walked by.

“You also have an appointment with the therapist later today, don’t forget.”

I mentally groaned. I hated going to see the therapist.

Aunt Gwen placed her coffee in a portable mug. “Okay, come on. We’re going to be late. Ryan let’s go!”

Ryan came thudding down the stairs, two backpacks in hand. He threw the light blue one at me. “It was in my room,” he explained.  Ryan was tall, towering over his mom who I thought was tall, and had light brown hair unlike his mother’s darker tone. Both of them had rich caramel eyes. Ryan was athletic and into that whole sports scene.

I got into the car, plugged in my earphones, and dreaded the drive to school.


The school was located in the more… privileged area of Northern California. It was a state-of-the-art, solar powered school on the Hill. I personally preferred the local high school that was about 10 blocks from the house. Whatever.

“Okay so you’ll have to take the bus home. I’ll be home around 6ish. Okay kids have fun.”

I nodded and stepped out of the car. The cool breeze was much more impactful due to the higher elevation. It was basically an ordinary September day. I watched as Aunt Gwen drove away, leaving Ryan and I to the school. Ryan attended the school when it first opened last year so we all decided he show me the ropes.

“Um, okay, so right there is the registration office, it’s right next to the nurses’ office,” he explained pointing inside the main office.

“Go get your schedule and I’ll show you to your classes.”


The school’s shape resembled somewhat of an irregular polygon, if that made any sense. I made my way to the glassed doors that led to the front desk.

The lady seated smiled at me. “Hi, how can I help you?” She asked me.

“My name is Grace Arias, I’m here to pick up my schedule. I didn’t attend orientation I was busy.”

“Ah, not a problem. Let me find you in the system.”

I waited while she inputted my information in her computer. I gave her my student number and she quickly printed out my schedule.

“Here it is. Now make your way towards the Banquet Hall, the principal will address a speech to the entire incoming freshman class. Welcome to NCTA, Grace.”

I walked towards hell. People were mingling out in the quad. They stuck together like a huddle of penguins. The other freshman had it easy. They at least had one person they’ll see from middle school. I on the other hand have come from the opposite side of the country.

The Banquet Hall was its own massive building at the back of the school. It was located right next to the bus stop and bike racks. I, along with everyone else, trudged towards the Hall for this assembly. It’s already at least 20 minutes into the new school year and I was already done.

Inside there was pull out chairs in rows. I sat in a spot that was not too in the back but definitely not in the middle either. On the stage sat four people: 3 female, 1 male. One of the women stepped foreword and tapped into the microphone.  It gave back a shrieking feedback.

“Hello everybody. Welcome into your freshman year. The next four years you will be tested. As you all know, North California Technical Academy isn’t like traditional schools. We offer programs that are divided among the four houses.

“In House 1 we have the Medical program, the Education program, and the Cosmetology program. Over in House 2 we have the Integrated Technology program, the Robotics program, and our new 3D Animation for Films and Games program. House 3 holds our Marketing program and the Culinary Arts program. And finally in House 4, we have the Automotive program, the Construction program, and the Graphic Design program.

“Every program prepares you and aides you for the world after graduation. I hope you have a wonderful year with us and I will leave you to the vice principal, Mrs. King.”

The assembly continued like that. It was basically a run down of what the people who went to orientation were told.

“Okay freshmen, we wish you luck and have a good first day of school.”

We were all dismissed to go to first period. In this school, we had eight classes that were separated by an A day or B day. On A days we go to the even classes: 2, 4, 6, and 8. On B days we got to the odd classes. It was all very confusing.

Today we had to go to all classes. And what happened to be my first period? PE.


The PE building involved climbing up a hill to actually get to it. That should be our PE session alone. As I neared the steps that lead to the gym, I slipped and fell forward. Something aggressively grabbed me by my backpack and hauled me up. It wasn’t like it was in the movies. It actually hurts. A lot. 

Whoever grabbed me helped me stand up straight.

“You OK?”

I looked up and nearly died. He was insanely attractive. He had auburn hair that was shaved along the sides but he had a full set on the top that was wavy and complimented his gorgeous green eyes. He had a prominent jaw that was actually what I noticed at first. He had a good 3 to 4 inches on me. I was already pretty tall but he was taller.

“I-I’m, uh yea, yes.” I couldn’t properly form words. Get it together, I told myself.

He smiled and stepped back. “Okay. Hopefully I’ll see you sometime.” He continued up the steps and entered the gym. I gawked. How could someone that attractive even be in high school? I don’t understand. Maybe having PE first period wouldn’t be so bad.

I recomposed myself and continued up the stairs.

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