Chapter 3

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I updated on Saturday just like I said I would! Aren't you proud of me?

Sorry for how short it is. The next one will be longer promise, I just need to get down to writing it...

Happy Holidays!


Saturday, October 10th

Nagisa locks the door to the classroom and slips the key into his pocket.

The school is mainly deserted; Saturday detention has long since finished, and those few students who bothered to show up are now long gone. Nagisa could have gone home after that, but he was supposed to meet Mr. Karasuma at 10:30 so he decided to stay and grade homework instead of going home only to head out 20 minutes later. It's now 10:25, which leaves Nagisa 5 minutes to get to the front of the school where Mr. Karasuma will pick him up.

He sets off briskly down the corridor, his messenger bag slung over one shoulder as thoughts swim around in his head. He has no idea why Mr. Karasuma suddenly asked to meet up. The message was completely out of the blue and no explanation was offered in it. Nagisa has a knife and a stun gun tucked inside his belt just in case. You can never be too careful.

Not five minutes after he's arrived at the front gate a red, expensive looking car pulls up to the sidewalk. The window rolls down and Nagisa is greeted by a pair of piercing eyes and an all too familiar smirk. "Hop in."

Nagisa struggles to overcome his surprise. "Karma?"

"The one and only." Karma gestures for Nagisa to get in the car. "Come on."

Slowly, Nagisa gets in the car and sets his bag on the floor. Karma rolls up the window and pulls away from the school. Nagisa silently thanks the universe that no one was there to see the fancy car.

"What're you doing here?" Nagisa asks.

"Teach asked me to come pick you up."

"Mr. Karasuma did?"


"And you agreed to it?" Nagisa can count on one hand the number of times Karma has done something simply because he was asked to.

"Come on, Nagisa, don't look at me like that. It's not like I did it just because he asked me too."

"Then why did you it?"

"Do I need a reason to see my best friend?" asks Karma, sending Nagisa a sidelong glance.

"Maybe not." Nagisa smiles and relents, blushing slightly. To be honest he hadn't known he was still Karma's best friend. Sure they keep in touch, but there's never time to hang out or meet in person besides class reunions. To hear Karma call him that so casually gives him a warm, comfortable feeling.

They sit in silence for a few moments, before Nagisa asks, "When did you get the fancy car?"

"About a year ago." Karma says smugly. "It's a red Karma Revero, a hybrid electric car. It's good for the environment, it's silent and stealthy, and, best of all, the trunk is completely sealed off and requires a separate key to open." On the last point Karma's sadistic grin shines through and Nagisa can practically see the devil horns and tail on him. He chuckles and comments on Karma's less than honest reason for buying the car. Karma jokes back that no one from E Class has completely honest motives. And just like that the atmosphere becomes that comfortable, familiar one you find between two best friends.

They talk for a while, bantering back and forth and catching up on each other's lives.

Nagisa finds out that Karma's secretary is annoyingly inadequate and he only keeps her around because no one else can put up with his sadistic tendencies. Karma finds out that Nagisa is worried about his student Yama whose family is so poor that Yama is the only kid in the class without a phone. They talk about how difficult driving must be for people who are colorblind and tear apart the most recent statement made by one of Karma's rivals. They comment on the deliciousness/distastefulness of fried squid respectively and argue about Karma's spice collection.

By the time they're nearing their destination, Nagisa is ready to ask the question that's been on his mind ever since he received instructions to meet Mr. Karasuma.

"Karma, what's going on? Where are you taking me and why are we going there?"

"I was wondering when you were going to ask about that. I'm surprised it took you so long." Karma steals a sidelong glance at Nagisa, who ignores Karma's mannerisms.

"Just tell me."

"Alright, alright, keep your skirt on." Karma makes the turn onto the next road before continuing. "To put it simply, there's another tentacles and you and I are going to kill it."

Target Tentacles - A Karmagisa AssassinationWhere stories live. Discover now