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A/N: does get a little bloody.. guys the song i put up there has helped through so much, you don't understand how good that song is

taeyong was home alone today since jungkook had left earlier today and jaehyun had work, he was a little nervous to be here by himself but he was prepared for if anything was going to happen

he had decided on cleaning the house since that was the only thing that allowed him to think, he was absolutely drained and the fact that he didn't feel safe when he should have was heartbreaking

he heard something slam in his room and froze, his mind told him to move, to run and get something to defend himself with but he was frozen especially when the door opened and revealed doyoung

he couldn't say anything nor do anything, he just watched doyoung walk to the knife block and grab the sharpest knife they owned

taeyong's breath hitched.. this was going to be the end, his phone was all the way in his room and it wasn't like he was going to go get it anyways, his body was frozen still

"you know, this isn't what i wanted us to be like..." doyoung menacingly said to him, walking closer 

"i loved you and you treated me like shit for nothing, so i'm about to make this... really unfair for you" doyoung threatened frowning, as if something was holding him back

taeyong tried to run away but doyoung cut his arm laughing at him as he fell, holding his arm in pain

"you've become so pathetic" doyoung laughed enjoying how taeyong was trying to crawl away from him

but he sliced his ankle "get up, i want you to get up" doyoung demanded as taeyong looked at his ankle which was bleeding out, fortunately that didn't stop him from trying to crawl to the kitchen

he tried to stand but felt pain everywhere

he wasn't going to let doyoung win, he was going to win this time, he was going to feel safe by himself

he got to the kitchen and stood up as doyoung smirked "you always listened to me you're so-" doyoung praised getting interrupted by the home phone that was rang loudly behind him

he sighed walking over to the phone while taeyong grabbed a knife, if he wanted to live he had to fight.. he had to be brave, had to beat doyoung on his own

taeyong quietly limped over to doyoung who was on the phone telling the other line that taeyong wasn't home

and taeyong stabbed him, in his shoulder panting heavily as doyoung tensed, feeling a piercing pain in his shoulder

he gently put the phone back on its holder and turned around to taeyong who took the knife out of him "guess you're not as pathetic as i thought" doyoung whispered going to stab taeyong,

but taeyong sliced his forearm causing doyoung to drop his knife that he was holding to hold his arm

taeyong was numb, he didn't even feel the pain from his own cuts anymore because he finally stood up to doyoung, he finally gave doyoung what he deserved

"are you fucking crazy?!" doyoung yelled at taeyong who was trembling "i-i'm not afraid anymore!" he rasped out trying his hardest not to sound as scared as he was and doyoung laughed squeezing his arm, watching the blood ooze out

"you bitch-" doyoung hissed holding his arm that was dripping blood

but taeyong didn't care, he was in rage.. he wanted to kill doyoung, he wanted him to feel the pain he put him through

taeyong sliced his chest screaming at him as doyoung hissed in pain, falling to the floor

"i don't ever want to s-see you again!" taeyong yelled at doyoung who was looking at him on the floor bleeding out, doyoung mumbled what sounded like an apology to taeyong who ignored his babbling

jungkook walked in "taeyong i left my pho- holy shit?!" he ran over to taeyong who was about to stab doyoung again, and grabbed him "what happened?" jungkook whispered looking at the cuts that were on taeyong

taeyong didn't reply to jungkook, continuing to scream at doyoung "you raped me! why would you do that to me?!" he sobbed as jungkook held him tightly, gently taking the knife from him

he picked taeyong up who was still screaming and put him in his room locking the door, he put the knife in the sink and looked at doyoung who was fighting to stay awake on the floor

jungkook called an ambulance and let them take him away, he answered questions but didn't let anyone know what happened and claimed that he found him like that when he got home

it was several hours later and jaehyun had finally came home, rushing towards the room to find a panicking taeyong hugging up a now bloodied up pillow

"taeyong are you okay?" jaehyun asked concerned but taeyong only started breathing heavier "h-he raped me" he whispered to himself as jaehyun walked over to jungkook

"how long has he been like this?" he asked and jungkook shrugged "since i found him, he kept murmuring 'he raped me'" jungkook replied feeling bad for what happened to him

"i think he just needs rest" jaehyun requested looking back at taeyong who was now quiet and just staring at his hands "i had someone run to the store and get him something for his cuts" jungkook said handing jaehyun wraps, bandaids, and rubbing alcohol

"why didn't you clean him yourself?" jaehyun asked holding the supplies "tried too, but he flinched away every time i touched him" jungkook sighed, remembering the way he flinched away from him

"don't stress it, he's just having a hard time right now" jaehyun reassured him as jungkook shrugged "i understand, but i gotta go okay? wish you both the best of luck" jungkook comforted patting jaehyun's back before walking away to leave

jaehyun walked in the room and sat in front of taeyong grabbing his hand "you're so strong you know that? you're gonna get through this okay?" jaehyun soothed nursing taeyong's cut

jaehyun gently caressed his leg until he got to his ankle and rubbed his thumb over his cut "i'll do whatever it takes to see you smile again" jaehyun added now nursing his cut that was on his ankle

when he was done, he got up to go get him some sleeping medicine, he knows taeyong won't take the medicine but he still wanted to make sure he was getting rest

he set the medicine down and felt taeyong pull him into a kiss that didn't last long, but definitely meant something

jaehyun smiled at him as taeyong blushed a faint shade of pink turning away from him

jaehyun had gotten out of the shower and saw taeyong who was fast asleep with the pillow still in his hands, and the medicine gone as well as the water

jaehyun sighed walking over to take the pillow out of his hands and lay him down comfortably

he got in bed with taeyong and pulled him into a soft embrace, rubbing circles onto his back.

A/N: so this was rushed because i'm in a rush right now, so if it's got grammar issues or something doesn't make sense pls tell me!

ALSO: a lovely surprise awaits in the next chapter! and it's a good surprise, i've been doing really well with setting dotae back in this story and i'm really excited to share it with you all

i can't wait! hope you all enjoyed! 🍇

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