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taeyong had heard everything jaemin and jeno had talked about, he knew it would be hard for jaemin if jeno left they've been together longer than he could count on his fingers, he didn't know what to tell jaemin to cheer him up.. he would probably say something that made him sadder

his phone rang..

"yuta? you haven't called me in like 3 days" taeyong joked pouting at him, "yeah i know, i lost my phone so i didn't really contact anyone but i found it so here we are" he says smiling at taeyong

"so anything special happen? like with that new guy" yuta teased smirking at him, and taeyong frowned "yuta..doyoung's back" taeyong mumbled feeling nauseous that he has to bring this up

"woah..really? he was like gone for like 55 years and randomly comes back now?" yuta questioned with shock written over his face "i know and we kinda sorta had i miss you sex-" yuta gasped "what about that new guy? is he not a thought anymore?" yuta asked still looking in shock

taeyong chuckled "i honestly don't have an answer to that question, i feel more for doyoung than i feel for jaehyun but jaehyun's so nice and handsome- i don't know" taeyong muttered sighing and yuta rested his head on his free hand " i think- you should go on a date with him just to see if you feel anything deep for him if not, then go with doyoung" yuta suggested grinning at what he said

taeyong believed that wasn't a half bad idea, i mean what if he actually felt something for jaehyun? he could start over, no more problems from the past and besides maybe jaehyun could be a refreshing break for him

"fine i'll go out with him, but don't be upset if it goes terribly" taeyong joked laughing at yuta's offended face "looks like you'll be more upset then me" they both laughed on the phone

the next day..

taeyong woke up to someone ringing the doorbell, who the hell was here so early in the morning?

he opened the door, "jaehyun?" he asked looking at him as jaehyun put his hands in his pockets "did i do something wrong? i waited for you at the library earlier and you never showed up" he asked clearly distressed and taeyong sighed

"i don't have work today, but um c-can we hang out-? today.." taeyong asked feeling nervous to talk to him, jaehyun smiled at him "i'd thought you never ask" jaehyun said in a sarcastic tone

taeyong didn't know what he felt for jaehyun but it wasn't anything like what he felt for doyoung, jaehyun was playful and easy to talk to and doyoung was someone he had a past with

taeyong got ready as he seen jaemin sleeping in his bed.. he thought he'd be sleeping in his bed with jeno, guess not.. he didn't even hear jaemin come in when he was sleep, then again he never did

he walks outside to see jaehyun sitting in his car on his phone

they ended up going to the movies, and taeyong wasn't gonna lie.. he felt different with jaehyun, like he was supposed to be with him

everything felt right, they liked the same movies, they both didn't talk through movies, the only differences was the snacks they chose

taeyong didn't know if this was a sign.. his heart kept telling him to go with jaehyun but his body wanted doyoung

he didn't just want to jump into a relationship, he wanted to take things slow with jaehyun he wanted to have a friendship before he could have a relationship with him, but that thought alone made him feel like maybe he was doing just fine without dating doyoung

they walk back to the car, "that movie made my head hurt" jaehyun sighed rubbing his scalp and taeyong chuckled at him "well maybe next time you'll buy seats that aren't so close to the screen" taeyong joked continuing to eat his popcorn "so there will be a next time?" jaehyun proposed smiling at him

taeyong grinned at him "maybe.. we'll see" taeyong says smiling to himself

taeyong looked up to find doyoung leaning on jaehyun's car with his arms crossed

jaehyun grabbed doyoung "who the hell are you?" jaehyun cursed shoving him off his car, and taeyong stood there bewildered.. why was doyoung even here?

"doyoung? how did you know i was here?" taeyong asked confused as to why doyoung knew where he was, taeyong separated them "jaemin told me where you were" doyoung lied staring at jaehyun angrily

"i didn't tell jaemin i was out..? there's no possible way he knew" taeyong said crossing his arms "well i saw you leave with him and i-" doyoung defended as taeyong stopped him "so you followed me here? and what-? you waited for me to come out?" taeyong said growing angry at doyoung

jaehyun goes around taeyong to grab doyoung "you followed us? what're you a stalker?" he asked snatching doyoung close to him

taeyong was angry, all this talk about change and doyoung was still the same person.. taeyong was no longer going to cry, he wasn't going to waste his tears on a liar

he couldn't believe that doyoung followed him, what? was jail not enough.. doyoung had a serious problem and maybe this was the world telling him that he didn't belong with doyoung, he just couldn't believe it took him 3 years to figure that out

"jaehyun, let's just go okay?" taeyong mumbled looking at him as doyoung speaks "what about me? you're just gonna leave like that" and taeyong only walks to the car ignoring him

jaehyun threw him on the ground "watch who you're fucking with, don't let me catch you with him again" jaehyun says walking away from doyoung

at taeyong's house..

jaehyun was playing with taeyong's hair as they stared at the tv, taeyong sighed "he's such a liar, i can't believe i listened to him" taeyong whispered feeling like doyoung was a joke "what do you mean by that?" jaehyun asked growing confused

"has this happened before?" jaehyun asked with a worried voice and taeyong just frowned "it's complicated, i honestly don't want to talk about it right now" taeyong sighed sadly

"that's okay, we can just chill for right now if you want" jaehyun requested as he feels taeyong lay his head down on his chest "okay.. but don't get upset if i cuddle you" taeyong joked smiling softly as jaehyun smiled back at him "trust me, that's the last thing i'll get upset about" he grinned looking back at the tv playing with taeyong's hair

A/N: hey guys so i've been having a really hard time at home and it took a lot for me to write this chapter:( so i just wanted to let you guys know that i'm probably going to update this when i'm feeling better which probably will be soon but i don't know.

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