2x04 - Face My Enemy

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3rd Person POV
South Beach, Florida

The team were in the Sunshine State to recover a painting which had mysteriously survived a church fire, and had alien writing on the back on it, hence why it caught their attention.

Hunter had been tasked with flirting with and distracting Gabriel Soto's assistant. Afterwards, Coulson and May were going undercover at the fundraiser as Charles and Heidi Martin, where they would steal the painting. After speaking to their team and turning off their comms, they began to dance in a way they were taught at the academy in order to covertly analyse their surroundings. Phil moved on to discussing a contingency plan with Melinda; but she cut him off when she spotted Talbot. Unfortunately for the 2 agents, from the other direction, Coulson had just spotted 2 other people who could blow their cover.

The most famous couple in the crime world, Angel and Darla, were attending the fundraiser and were also currently on the dance floor.

The most famous couple in the crime world, Angel and Darla, were attending the fundraiser and were also currently on the dance floor

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Melinda dragged Coulson off to a quiet hallway so they could discuss what to do and which problem to deal with first. Turning back on their comms, Coulson said: "Guys we have a big problem!"
"Why? What's happening?" Tripp asked.
"Talbot's here." May said
"Talbot Talbot?" Skye asked confused as to why he would be there.
"Oh that's not the worst of it! There is a very scary, powerful couple here, who hate us and could blow our cover." Coulson said hoping that Hunter would realise who he was talking about.
"Wait! Do you mean..." Hunter trailed off not wanting to say their names. "Yes." Coulson stated.
"What the bloody hell are they doing there?"
"Part of me wants to know and part of me really doesn't." Coulson said.
"Any tips?" May asked
"No, I haven't seen them in years. Just don't do anything to piss them off."
"Hmm, might be a bit late for that." Coulson stated. "Ok, we'll talk to our old frenemies first, then Talbot." Coulson explained before he and May walked back out. Angel and Darla had moved to join their personal bodyguards, Lilah and Lindsey, at a poseur table to have a drink. Angel saw Coulson and May approaching the table he straightened up and dropped the smile from his face; when Darla noticed the change in her husband's demeanour she followed his gaze and soon her facial expression matched his.
"Hello-" Coulson started but Angel quickly cut him off "Ah if you're going to talk to us turn the comms off."
"Ok, going radio silent now." Coulson said before he and May pressed their comms off and their signals disappeared from the screen on the bus.

"Hello Angelus, Darla." Coulson tried again, causing the two killers to smirk "Hello Coulson, it's been a while... and I don't believe we've met before..." Angel trailed off "Agent May." She filled in to which he nodded. "I heard you broke into a USAF base, you're lucky I wasn't helping the SEALs that day" Angel commented.
"What do you want? You're ruining our day." Darla asked as she perched herself on a bar stool. "What are the two of you doing here anyway?" Coulson asked. "I wanted to see the miracle painting." Angel said simply and Darla rolled her eyes at his faith in god.
"Well, we are here on a mission and just wanted to make sure we could rely on your discretion, as you can rely on ours." Coulson stated. Leaning across the table Angelus stated deeply "Now why would we do anything for you?"

Coulson knew he needed to discuss this with them alone as although May knew who they were, she didn't know who their daughter was. Luckily he spotted Soto, and asked her to follow him. Melinda looked unsure about leaving him in dangerous company but knew the mission was important.

"To answer your question, if S.H.I.E.L.D. gets put in danger, that also puts your daughter in danger." That made Darla pay more attention and Liam get angry "Are you trying to blackmail us with our own daughter's life."
"No, just stating a fact."
"Fine! We'll keep your identities a secret." Darla growled out "Anything else?" Angelus asked sarcastically. "Yeah actually, what do you know about him?" Coulson asked gesturing to Talbot upstairs. "Nothing just seen him on the news a lot recently; he seems to hate you, perhaps we would get along." Angel sniped almost threatening Coulson who just smiled and said "Have a nice day." before walking upstairs to have a similar conversation with Talbot.

"We should leave, I'm gonna call Willow, see if she can erase any footage of us being here." Angel said putting his arm around Darla as she fitted herself into his side - both of them looking for comfort after being reminded that Bobbi's life hung in the balance of S.H.I.E.L.D. and HYDRA. "I think I preferred the old S.H.I.E.L.D." Darla decided "Hmm, Fury was more discreet - he would've never approached us in a public place, especially in broad daylight." Angel said agreeing with her.

During the mission - on the bus
The team congratulated themselves on a job well done:
"Nice work out there. Do we get to keep the scooter?" Hunter said as he and Mack returned.
"Nice work yourself, although it didn't look like you were suffering too much." Skye told him.
"And I was babysitting an empty plane, how's this fair?" Tripp complained.
"It's weird, women just like me, always have. Never understood it - must be a magnetism thing I guess. Who can explain it, eh?"
"If it makes you feel any better, I don't get it either." Skye commented
"You hear that?" She giggled "If I wanted someone to take jabs at me; I'd still be married."
"Oh jeez, not this story again. Can we not?" Mack complained as he was there for the saga of Bobbi and Hunter's relationship and had also noticed that Hunter seemed to be bringing her up a lot.
"Oh no I think we can!" Skye said intrigued.
"I first met her on a spring night. She was on the pier facing the outer banks, the moonlight glinting off her face," Mack put his head down on the holo-table as Hunter continued "she resembled a goddess. Of course that was her cruel trick-"
"Hey guys." Coulson said over the comms.
"Best timing ever!" Tripp exclaimed
"Oh decided to come back online, did we?" Skye commented and Coulson and May proceeded to tell them about the problems they had encountered.

After Coulson and May turned off their comms, as per Angelus' demand, the rest of the team turned to look at Hunter who had turned as white as a sheet when he heard his ex-father-in-law's voice. Skye, of course, had the most questions:
"How did you know who Coulson was referring to from that very vague description?"
Hunter scrambled to come up with an answer "Umm... well, there really only is the one couple in the intelligence/crime world who could fit that description."
"Who are they?" Skye pressed.
"Oh, no, there's a reason he wanted the comms turned off - I'm not saying there names!"
"How do you know them?" Mack asked his long-time friend as he had never seen Hunter react like this over 2 mob bosses before. "I've done some mercenary work for them in the past." He replied not entirely lying; as he had in fact gone on a mission with Bobbi and her family before when someone threatened them, as well as working with Angel, under his alias 'Jason Hayes' when the SAS and SEALs teamed up once.
"You seem scared of them." Skye pointed out. "Yeah, well you would be too if you'd met them. Plus we didn't exactly part on good terms."

Later on, whilst they where waiting for more word from the 2 senior agents, the group all got to bond a bit more by sharing stories of their exes, and Hunter and Skye's want to find out what people are hiding:
"Are you hacking into a top secret mission to find out about the parts they're not telling us?" Tripp asked Skye when he saw her doing extra research
"I am a good, helpful soldier." She simply replied. Hunter who was previously kicking a soccer ball joined in the conversation:
"Well I happen to appreciate your instinct to be thorough. I myself prefer a pint and a good nap, but then I'm the lazy type."
"Lazy's not the first word that comes to mind."
"Dangerous?" He suggested but Skye and Tripp shook their heads. "I understand but truly it should be lazy, I just hide it well."
"Think that's what drove away the ex-wife?"
"See, now you're bringing it back up." Mack complained from the chair he was sitting on.
"Ha Ha! I know it didn't work out because interspecies relationships are hard. I was a human whereas she was a demonic hell beast."
"He doesn't like her." Mack explained before Hunter threw the soccer ball at his face without looking. "You don't say!" Tripp retorted. "She's pure evil." Hunter summarised and they move on to discussing Skye and Mack's exes.

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