Apperation and the Floo network

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What?? How did he read my thoughts? Why am I moving? What's happening??? I look at Dumbledore with disgust. I didn't give him permission to read my thoughts!!!!! Who does he think he is??? "I see.. well, we are going to diagon ally by side along apperation." Dumbledore said calmly. "I thought I told you that I was going ALONE..." I said. Of course. Typical adults. There all the same. The people at the orphanage thought I was not to be trusted and that I couldn't do anything on my own. I guess this man is no different. "Yes. You will be going alone, but you will still need some, guidance on getting there" Dumbledore responded.

"I hope you will feel more at home at Hogwarts than that awful little orphanage could give." Dumbledore stated. He gestured me to hold on to his arm, so I did. The second my hand reached his forearm, the world around me started to spin. Faster and faster. It kept going until I felt like my stomach would leap out of me and my lungs felt like they were going to collapse. And suddenly, it all stopped. What happened? I gasp for air. Happy to be on solid ground. I look up at Dumbledore, but he had already started into the fireplace. Fireplace? That couldn't me right. . But alas, he went to the fire, and beckoned me to follow.

"What was that???" I ask in an exasperated tone, but also a surprised one. " as I told you, side along apperation." Dumbledore responded "and why, are we standing in an empty fireplace?" I ask. "Well, as we can't just simply apperate into Diagon Ally, we now need to use the Floo network. Here take this" Dumbledore says, as he hands me a bunch of green dirt. "now, I want you to watch me  very, closely." Dumbledore asks me. And I do. Travelling by floo network seems easy enough. I follow his detections exactly, and have somewhat of the same experience as apperation. I simply couldnt breathe! What is this? What is happening? An then, it all stops and I'm there. In diagon ally.

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