bonus chapter 1

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Today had felt like any other day at first.

I was sat outside in the garden in my fluffiest coat, chilled to the bone as beautifully crafted snowflakes rained down in effortless elegance. Despite, the sun's rays that gave the perception of it being warm, the winter's cold permeated into my bones, shocking any semblance of warmth from my system.

I stayed outside though because no matter how cold it was, it was too beautiful out here to ignore with the garden's usual green covered in a marvellous, pure white and with the trees that looked like they belonged in a fairytale.

My dad had gone to hang out with Thomas and Dorran had gone to see Marcelo, Archer, Reed and Lennox, or 'the boys' as Maia liked to call them. Truly, there weren't many days where I was alone and today was a rarity in itself, so different to how it was before.

But that was the only thing I thought that was rare about today until I was proved so extremely wrong.

I continued to sit out there and do nothing but stare at the falling snow. Even as my cheeks and nose reddened until I was sure I looked like Rudolf, I stayed put, admiring the view and settling into a trance of some sort until there was nothing but peace and serenity.

My trance was broken when I heard a bang of a door being closed.

When I turned around to see what the commotion was, my heart stopped at the sight of Dorran.

I had thought, all those years ago, when we had first met, that he was the most beautiful man on the planet, despite my refusal to admit that. He was beautifully dangerous and had felt that inexplicable pull towards him.

But every time I saw him, after being together for so long, he still managed to surprise me with the amount of feeling that burst out of me, sparkling like a beacon straight towards him. I was surprised that the feelings never weakened but grew as the clock ticked ever so fast.

He had gotten slightly taller, more built and more manly. And despite his hard exterior softening, to anyone else, he still might've seemed like the bad guy with his brooding features and his dark hair and piercing grey eyes.

But to me, all I saw when I laid my eyes upon him, as the snow fell and gathered on his hair and his coat, was a prince, my dark prince who would do anything to protect me and what we fought for.

After loving him all these years, I genuinely would have thought that his second name was made for him. It was fitting. He was a prince, the prince of our beautiful, little story.

"I knew you'd be out here," was the first thing he said as a greeting. His deep and smooth voice managed to be soft and strong at the same time, not imposing on the peaceful environment but mixing in with it as it travelled to my ears. He had that smile of his on his face, a smile that transformed his face entirely and made me smile in return.

He came to sit next to me on the steps and said nothing else but started to stare off into the distance just as I had been doing seconds earlier.

This was what I loved about him. Had it been anyone else, they would've said I was being silly and that I should go inside but with Dorran? He just came to join me, to fit so perfectly into my life, my world.

The snow was still falling and it was an enthralling sight but I could not take my gaze away from the beauty of his face as his silver eyes latched onto one falling snowflake and followed its descent down until it was nothing more than part of the snow beneath our feet. There was something so captivating about Dorran, something so riveting, something that never seemed to fade.

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