17| hidden talents

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As soon as I had entered the room, all the tension I had been feeling outside left my body as did the touch of the cool breeze on my skin and the illuminating glow of the moon. Inside it was warm and snug and it smelt like wood pine and happiness.

I walked further into the room, nodding at those who smiled at me, recognising lots of them. I was pretty infamous here after being Tay's, the bar owner's daughter practically and they all respected me for that.

I carried on walking, trying to get into the sitting space where I knew Tay would be. I had not seen him in what felt like ages despite it only being a few months and I wanted to speak to him some more.

As soon as I saw him and he saw me, a massive grin came across his face as he shouted, "Darcy" from all the way over the other side of the room where he was sitting next to Gerome, another one of my favourites.

When I got up to him, I smiled at him and clasped his hand but when I faced Gerome, he announced, "None of that shit with me girl, I haven't seen you in ages and I want a hug."

I laughed at his antics and then went into his arms for a hug. These two were my favourites and I don't know what I would do without them.

After the hug, I went to sit in between Gerome and Tay on a U shaped sofa with a table in the middle. Tay's bar looked old fashioned but it was new in every sense of the word. All the furniture was modern as was the paintwork and all the other accessories but because of the old design and structure, it still felt vintage and warm. Being in here, I had always felt comforted by the history lining these walls, making me feel like I belonged amongst all the other kindred, old souls who had too been mistreated.

"What's new girl?" Gerome asked me, interrupting me from my examination of the place, trying to see if Tay had changed anything.

I turned to look at him and was about to answer when to my shock and annoyance, Dorran, Reed, Lennox, Archer and Marcelo came in through the doors and proceeded to walk towards me, sitting down on the same U shaped sofa as me, Tay and Gerome.

I stared at them in an annoyed disbelief. Why were they here? Why couldn't they have just gone home and left me in my own peace? They all looked at Tay and Gerome before looking around and then finally setting on me.

They all looked so out of place with their blank expressions on their faces in the pub with the only people showing any sort of emotion being Lennox with his usual warm smile and Archer who had his usual scowl but it felt lighter with less intent. The one person I was shocked about was Marcelo who had a light-hearted grin.

I almost did a double-take at his expression, only having seen his lustful or death promising smiles but when he still had the happiness carving his lips, I was shocked and remained shocked.

"Darcy, you gonna introduce us?" Tay said to me with his sweet expression before turning to the boys, transforming his face completely to a menacing one and bringing me back from my stupor.

I heard Gerome beside me crack his knuckles as he sat up from lounging, showing off his sordid muscles that only the boys could dream of having after years of fighting.

I almost smiled at them trying to be protective over me but the annoyance at having to deal with the men that had pushed into my safe place was riling me up.

"You know about Lennox. That's Reed," I started but Tay interrupted me with, "The ex?"

I nodded at him but glared at him too so he could stop interrupting to which he only laughed at as did Reed surprisingly and then I continued, "and those three aren't important. I have no idea why they're here."

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