Hopelessly Devoted

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This fic was inspired by a TikTok made by @ / missmiskit !! She's a very talented MCYT artist, go follow them ! :] 
Wooo, insane!tommy au on the SMP here we go.

Tommy had been exiled. Again. Much to his disliking.

He remembered making eye contact with Tubbo, his eyes round with regret and unsaid sorries. A murky brown, swelling with tears that were merely blinked away.

Tommy had looked at the people that he assumed he knew his entire life.

They're against me.

His eyes had been wide with disbelief. The corners of his mouth had slipped into a wide, unsteady grin, his canines glinting in the setting sun as it sent its final rays upon the land, aimed directly at Tommy. His pupils were small, hands gripped behind his back by strong, gloved ones.

Fundy and Quackity could hardly stutter a defending statement as they saw him turn feral almost instantly. If Tubbo had seen, he chose to blame it on his imagination, or to not interfere.

"Ohh," Tommy remembers he laughed. First it had been a chuckle, but it quickly erupted into loud laughter that usually would've been comforting, however it sent shivers down everyone's spines. Even Dream's.

"I see how it is," the blonde had cackled, "I'm being exiled because I'm a liability! I s'pose Wilbur had been right, then, hadn't he?"

He had seen the terror in their eyes, giving him a new sense of power and anticipation. His heart had been beating fast, feeling giddy.

Tommy easily recited Wilbur's words, "'Everyone who's claiming to be on our side, they're lying to us! Tubbo, he's lying to you, man! He would drop us the second he realizes we're not in the lead anymore.'"

Tubbo had finally looked to Tommy, eyes wide, mouth pressed in a thin line. He tried to defend his case, but the only words that dripped like oil from his mouth were, "Dream, please escort Tommy out of my country." Tommy could practically see the familiar curved ram horns sprouting from the shorter's head already.

Tears spilled from baby blue eyes and regret flashed across bold brown ones. The blonde had laughed loudly as he was mercilessly dragged by the green-hooded man, feet kicking roughly.

So here he had been, laying back on the wet grass as rain fell all around him. His throat was sore from his constant laughter, but he couldn't find himself stopping. Dream was standing nearby, a somewhat guilty look on his face as he watched the younger cackle dryly.

"Isn't this just hilarious?" Tommy said after a moment, a smile still etched into his face, his cheeks aching.

Dream had stayed silent.

This caused the boy to stand, stumbling for a moment before he walked confidently to Dream, who was now holding a familiar coat out to the blonde. It was ashy and had a slice straight through it, blood on the edges.

He slipped it on before the silence was disturbed by more unsettling laughter. He mimicked alive-Wilbur's poses, mocking the man.

"I think I should go," Dream said after a moment, shifting uncomfortably. He didn't want to be around a maniac.

"Oh, but Dream!" Tommy's head snapped towards the older, dropping his pose and stalking towards the man, "I thought we were having fun."

The masked man shook his head before walking back to his boat, waving a farewell to the boy, who hadn't tried to run after him.

"What a shame," Tommy murmured, "He'll miss my plans."

"Tommy," he heard a voice whisper from behind him. It was familiar, but he hadn't heard it in months. The boy adjusted his older brother's jacket, the ends flapping behind him in the rough winds. The sky was cloudy, however no rain fell.

Tommy turned around to see who had dared interrupt him on his visit back for it to be none other than the traitor who exiled him.

"Oh Tubbo," the taller said sweetly, "Just in time for my performance!"

He grabbed Tubbo's hand, dragging him to L'Manburg. Everyone was there, called in by an anonymous person.

Their heads turned as they saw the blonde boy, gasps of fear and confusion filling the air before Tommy let go of Tubbo's hand and put his hands up.

"Woah, woah everybody," he laughed loudly, "Take it easy."

The choice of words and tone of which it was said took everyone off guard, noticing his messy hair and crazed eyes, matching almost perfectly with the all-too-familiar torn coat of a dead man and uncertain smile.

"I haven't even gotten to do my performance yet."

With that, he swiftly climbed to the tops of the unfortunate wood homes, finding himself as high as he could go, pulling out a microphone from his coat that were set up to speakers below. The crowd of people, ranging from traitors like Eret and Tubbo to forgotten enemies like Techno and George, were standing curiously below. Quiet murmurs spread among the crowd, however deep down Tommy knew that their chatter wouldn't be the only thing getting around.

He cleared his throat and stared into the sky for a moment as the sun peeked through the endless clouds shining directly at him.

"Well, hello L'Manburg," he started off casually, slipping a hand into this pocket, feeling two things resting subtly.

"As some of you may know, I'm an exiled outlaw. L'Manburg assumed I had died or something, but that's just silly. Me, Tommyinnit, dying? Impossible," he cracked a joke, expecting the laughter from below to fill his ego, though the silence was unbearably loud.

"Anywho," he said after a moment, "I've been allowed to come back for a day to share this talent that I've been learning for the last few months."

All eyes were him.

The soft clang of rock and steel clashing in pocket.

"But now," he began singing, dragging out the vowel for dramatic effect.

"There's no-" in a swift moment, flint and steel ignited on wood, "-where to hide!"

Screams echoed from below, people rushing to get water or weapons to murder the kid.

"Since you pushed-" he continued, sliding down the rooftops, a fiery trail following him like a lost puppy, "-my love aside!"

"I'm-" the fire spread, painting L'Manburg in beautiful strokes of chaos.

"Outta-" the boy made it to the wood path by the fountain, looking up at his masterpiece.

"My-" the fire kissed and licked his heels, engulfing the country in merciless hate.

"Head!" Tommy turned to the people behind him, seeing loaded guns pointed at him.

"Hopelessly devoted to you," he said softly, tossing the mic to the side as it rolled to the crater below.

He took his final steps backwards, his crazed smile fixed onto his face as he saw guns and swords drop and people run to save him.

What a shame.

They were too late.

The boy was swallowed by his work of art, leaving him to the bites and kisses of the flames. 

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