Ghost Trails

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TW: Murder, Death, Manipulation, Yelling, Dark Thoughts, Intentions of Suicide 

Tommy glanced over the ledge, the heat from the lava tingling his face. It caught him in a trance, the bright vermilions mixed with the marigolds swirling together smoothly. They formed rings and swirls, rippling when the occasional bubble popped. It reminded the boy of a melting chocolate, however much, much hotter.

He subconsciously neared the edge, his mind wandering. He wondered that if he jumped, would it surround him in warmth, plunging him deeper and deeper, getting warmer and warmer? Or would it burn and bite his skin, dragging him into the acidic depths of the pools of Hell?

His 'guard' must have noticed, because he was dragged back. His head snapped over to look at his supposed rescuer to find none other than Dream. His mask continued to cover his eyes, his mouth pressed in a thin line. Usually, Tommy tried his hardest at reading people. With Dream, it was always a lost cause.

"C'mon," the man says quietly, to which Tommy steps back, shaking his head. He looks over at Dream who was simply standing beside him, occasionally glancing over at the nether portal, waiting for Ghostbur and Sap to return from L'Manburg.

L'Manburg, Tommy's home. Or at least that's what he thought it was. Dream said Logstedshire was his home now, but he didn't feel happy in Logstedshire. Despite the calming adventure-core style it had, it was no L'Manburg. It was no beautiful country that radiated nostalgia and strength.

"It's not your time to die yet, Tommy," Dream said numbly, nudging the boy gently. Although it was a gentle nudge, it caused Tommy to weakly stumble to the left. He was dangerously thin, his clothes ripped. His eyes had cried tears for many, but not for himself. His eyes were dulling, their friendly sparkle fading. His heart was bruised and bandaged, broken and stitched back together countless times. His bones were achy, his ribs faintly showing beneath his skin.

In an alternate universe, Tommy still had pep in his step and spark in his soul. In an alternate universe, Tommy would've replied with something about it never being his time to die.

However, in this universe, Tommy stepped towards the ledge once more. He craved warmth from something else other than the hot tears that ran down his face every night. He loathed Ghostbur's freedom. He wanted to be just like Ghostbur, forgetting all of his terrible memories and betrayals, making amends with those he missed. He wouldn't be able to be manipulated, he'd be innocent. He'd be okay.

"Tommy," Dream was saying under his breath, slowly getting louder. However, Tommy never noticed. He heard whooshes of the nether portal, signaling that someone had come through. He felt big hands on his twig arms, pulling him back, away from the sparkling lava. His heart ached, longing to be warm. He was so cold.

He hadn't registered the yells in his ears, the worried Ghostbur in front of him, or the hug embracing him. His eyes were locked onto the lovely lava that popped and laughed at him, swirling and mixing like a broth.

"Tommy!" a voice yelled, finally snapping him out of his trance. He glanced to the right of him, seeing a distraught Ghostbur.

"Yes?" he innocently asked, taking notice of his situation. Dream was grasping his arms roughly, keeping them behind his back. Sapnap's face was drained of color and he was staring at Tommy, mouth agape.

"Tommy what the fuck was that?" Sapnap exhaled, breathing heavily.

"What was what?" he asked, shaking his head, confused. His muttered a curse under his breath and a hiss of pain as Dream kicked him in his shin, causing him to nearly fall.

"You just-" Sapnap stammered, looking between the lava, then Tommy, "Almost willingly walked into lava!"

Tommy sighed and tried yanking his arms out of Dream's grasp.

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