bonus chapter 2

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The sun was starting to set, sending the blue sky into a multitude of shades, bringing life and colour to this evening. The trees were swaying to the light breeze, bringing a sense of comfort as I trained my eyes on them and listened, ignoring the chatter and the mobile phones, ignoring everything.

Even though it was hot underneath the setting August sun that had provided Darcy and I the best summer, that was not the reason why I felt beads of sweat at the back of my neck.

No, that was because of the anticipation.

The anticipation, the excitement, the happiness of waiting to see my fiancee walk down the aisle, ready to be my wife and me, her husband.

The chatter stopped almost instantly as Darcy stepped at the end of the aisle, Tay on one side of her and Michael on the other.

My focus went entirely to her as my heart started beating so quickly in my chest, making it feel as if it was dead seconds ago.

That was what she did. She brought me to life.

She was captivating, entirely beautiful and wholly mine. I had no words to describe the level of love that I was feeling. Never had I felt more in love with her, never had I thought that was possible.

She met my gaze from across the aisle and those beautiful green eyes of hers seemed to sparkle like the most precious jewels, enchanting me more and more. And despite it not being that far away, the distance between us was far too big for my liking. I needed her close. I wanted to smell her and feel her body against mine.

She started walking and everyone stood up.

She was always beautiful but in the lightest green dress that hugged her curves and paved out behind her, blending in with the nature around us that contrasted so heavily with the darkness of her hair and the porcelain of her skin and that slight curve up of her full lips, there was no space in my heart for the amount of love that felt as if it was going to burst out of my chest any second.

It felt like seconds and hours before she was close enough for me to grab her hand.

I nodded at Tay and Michael, both men looking incredibly clean and the lumberjack looked ever the more abnormal in this suit but like me and everyone else that Darcy managed to entrance, we all did anything for the girl we loved.

I quickly looked back at this woman and saw that she was staring straight back at me, the intensity in her eyes so mesmerising that I tried to capture this painting of her face in my mind forever, so perfect.

We heard hollering, probably Marcelo, who was in the front row along with all our friends but everything else felt like background noise, even the vicar that started speaking, uniting both Darcy and I. Darcy and I were in our bubble like we usually more but ever the so more now in this special once in a lifetime moment.

Because always with one look in her eyes, no other words mattered, nothing mattered but her.

She came towards me with her beautiful lips and brought them to mine.

The softness.

The sweetness.

The love.

Had I know how monumental this day would've been I would've done this so much earlier. I wouldn't have waited so long.

But at the same time, I'm glad I waited because it meant that I could cherish this day so much more.

If only moments like this didn't have to end and I swear if I had the power, I would've given everything I had to slow down every second of it, just so I could enjoy it for even a little while longer.

Things after that seemed to pass in a blur.

Guests came to congratulate us and I could barely even take my eyes off my wife to talk to them properly.

After we had spoken to all our family who had nothing but blessings to give, Darcy pulled me into a quiet corner and pushed me into a passionate kiss.

When Darcy wanted something, she got it. This was one of the reasons that made me fall in love with her in the first place.

I was content to carry on kissing her, not able to stop touching my wife so when she pulled away, I wasn't even going to try and hide the slight frown.

But with her face that was glowing ever so profoundly, I couldn't help but admire her.

"I didn't pull you away to kiss you, I-"

"What a shame-"

"Shut it Dorran. I came to tell you something really important," she told me and only now did I see the gravity in her eyes. She was still glowing but there was an urgency I did not like.

"What is it?" I asked her quickly in my most soothing voice, if I had one, not enjoying the expression and wanting it gone," Darcy you can tell me anything-"

"I'm pregnant!" She blurted out with big wide owl eyes, freezing my hand that was on her shoulder and my face that couldn't comprehend those words.


She put her head in her hands for a second but then looked up at me with such fierce determination mixed with vulnerability and hope.

"I did three pregnancy tests this morning and I'm pregnant. I waited to tell you because I didn't want this to ruin the wedding and I-"

I stopped her speaking by bringing my lips to hers in a kiss that held everything I was feeling.

Shock at first, fear but overall, overwhelming happiness, excitement and love for the woman in my arms that I'd love forever and ever and our child that took a little piece of my heart and carried it in their soul until the end.

I broke apart from Darcy and saw that her eyes were wet with tears and surprisingly so were mine.

I placed my hands on her stomach, so elated.

This was my future.

"You were right, the best is yet to come," Darcy whispered as if scared to ruin the moment.

I just kissed her stomach beneath the trees, underneath the setting sun, so hopeful and happy, never knowing that my life could be so full of bliss.

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