15 // The End pt2

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hii so i was able to find out my moms password and unlock my phone re download wattpad so chapters will be more yes

[ i couldnt do it before bc she thimks wattpad is a porn website ]


- Mega's POV -

I've been walking for what feels like forever. I don't know how far I am from Zelk, but all that matters is that I'm away from him.

I leaned against a tree to rest. I'm really tired, I've been walking for hours, I can barely stand at this point. I sat down, unsure of where to go next. I took a good look of my surroundings, finding the place I should go to next.

I wanted to get farther away from the street, because if Zelk were to look for me, he'd most likely look there, not the forest.

I stood up, feeling weak. I tried my best to walk into the forest a bit, but I gave up, collapsing onto the grassy floor, closing my eyes. My head hurt, I'm too tired to move, I've been walking for so long.

I fell asleep, hoping to not wake up.

- Zelk's POV -

It's been.. How many days? 8? 9? Since I've seen Mega.

[ lmao its 1 am pepper please wake up im bored WWWAAAAAAAAAA ]

I miss him, but I know he wont want me back at this point.

knock knock knock

"The fuck is that?" I ask myself. Who the actual FUCK would be at the door now. I murdered people for fucks sake. At this point im hoping it's the cops.

I slowly sit up, still wondering who the hell this person is. I stood up to quick, leaning against the wall to regain my balance.

I walked towards the door, my hand on the doorknob, but not turning it. I quickly run to the kitchen, grab a knife, and then walk back to the door.

I opened the door, confused on the sight before me.

How are they alive?

I.. I watched Techno die, I watched George drown..?


- George's POV -

The door opened very slowly, revealing Zelk, knife in hand, in shock.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2022 ⏰

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