Part 1 - Introductions

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Narrator: Hello. I trust you have come to hear of the legendary story of the land of Rethilor. Well, get ready. This is the wildest story you will ever hear. A story about fantasy. A story about heaven and hell going to war. A story about learning to overcome your sins, and turning them into virtues. The time when a young man ended up saving the world. Well, come on.

In the underworld...

Narrator: In the underworld lived the 7 deadly sins. The head demons who controlled hell. Sins came and went, and were always replaced. They were always up to something, especially our current batch.

(Male) Sloth: *sleeping*


(Female) Envy: I swear those virtues have it good... We need more room.

(Female) Lust: And the angels look better then demons...

(Male) Greed: Wouldn't it be great if we had heaven to ourselves?

(Male) Gluttony: Oh yes, there's better food right?

(Male) Pride: *steps forward*

Narrator: One thing was certain, Pride was the leader of the sins every time. The root of all evil. Prides were always known to be particularly despicable, but this one has been in his job for 300 years, the longest running pride in history! This one was also the most cruel. He enjoyed the suffering of others, and didn't show any care for his fellow sins. He only cared for himself and his fire cat, blazer.

Pride: You want heaven right? You guys can't do that alone.

Wrath: WHAT?

Pride: Maybe I could lead it. We need to take more from the overworld. And since I am the leader, and am the best, I will come up with a plan. We will take over heaven, convert it into hell. Once that's done, we can destroy the virtues forever, and take over the world, where we can freely cause chaos whenever we please.

Greed: Sounds incredible. 

Pride: I know, I'm the leader for a reason.

Envy: Pride is ALWAYS the leader, it's nothing special. Maybe other sins should be given a chance.

Pride: Envy, I can tell you live up to your sin. Do NOT question me. All 6 of you are merely my best minions. And now, I must tell you why I am the best.

Narrator: I'll spare you guys from his "I am the best thing ever" speech... The opposite of the sins were the 7 heavenly virtues. The main angels up in heaven. I guess you could call them gods and goddesses. They protect this world from harm, and seek to redeem anyone's sins.

(Male) Kindness: That felt great! I love helping others!

(Female) Patience: Yup. You said it. 

(Female) Charity: I just gave them the best land they could ask for, and I'll be honest when I say that helping those in need is what we do best.

(Male) Temperance: Hopefully they don't get greedy.

(Male) Diligence: They won't, if we all work hard!

(Female) Humility: Hey I've got to say something quickly.

Narrator: A much kinder leader of the virtues, was Humility. Since Pride is the leader of the sins, Humility, the opposite, is the leader of the virtues. This one in particular is a weird case, as they were only 16 years old when they died, protecting their family. They became a well respected angel, and eventually became Humility. She cared deeply for the world, especially their home land, Rethilor.

Humility: A new human has arrived on this island, that hasn't happened in a long time.

(Female) Chastity: Huh. Cool.

Kindness: Ooh! Lets meet them.

Humility: I don't think we should reveal ourselves...

Narrator: The man who arrived on this island was Motomo, a 25 year old. He isn't the nicest guy around. He suffers from being Prideful, Greedy and Quick To Anger. 3 of the 7 deadly sins is not a good sign. He is also a wanted thief, who in his recent escape, ended up on a boat, and crashed upon the shores of Rethilor.

Motomo: WHAT... The fuck is this place?

Around Motomo, there are a lot of weird fantasy creatures and weird buildings.

Motomo: Wow. I've never seen anything like this before. *looks down* A sword? And a bow? That's oddly convenient... *picks them up and looks around*

After looking around for ages, Motomo realises where he is.

Motomo: IM IN RETHILOR? So it's real... Heh. I expected it to be bigge- *trips up on a stick* HEY! WHAT THE FUCK?

Goblin: *laughs*


Wrath: *watching* Yes... let your anger take over...

Pride: Show off how "great" you are...

Goblin: *stops laughing*

Motomo: *slices at the goblin and kills them, and then loots their corpse* Money... Maybe there is some stuff here.

Pride: YES!!!

Patience: *watched the whole thing and rushes to heaven* Virtues... This man has some corrupting sins...

Humility: Wrath and Pride in one sentence... We need to fix him. He is heading to the central village, the only place where humans live on this island. 

Rethilor: A War of Sins and VirtuesWhere stories live. Discover now