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Third Person POV:

Sirena woke up from her sleep with a large frown on her face, for she had barely got any sleep at all. Her best friend, Ailen, was not in the dorm. She was with her boyfriend, probably shagging him, Callum. Another day of school, she thought, a groan emitting from her lips. She got out of bed, feeling rebellious and adventurous. Opening her closet filled with colours, she picked out a white t-shirt, a purple jumper to go over it and a white skirt . Looking at the skirt length, she believed it was way too short and grabbed her wand from her pocket. The defiant witch pointed her wand at the dress and muttered a spell. Magically, the skirt shortened and she smirked triumphantly. She put on her white lace bra and lace thong, then she put the skirt on. She then out on the t-shirt and the jumper over it. Her plump lips looked healthy and natural as always, and she put some matte blush pink lipstick on. She put some nude eyeshadow and foxy eyeliner on. She looked at herself in the mirror and winked, knowing how hot she looked. She went and did her teeth then used a correction spell to get rid of the toothpaste and make her lipstick right again.

She put her hair into space buns and left the dorm, getting multiple stares from the other girls on their way to breakfast. Some of them she glared back at until they looked away, others she flipped off and others she winked at. When she walked to the Great Hall, Callum, Ailen and Wayde sat down. They were chatting amongst themselves while eating until they finally realized Sirena was there. They all exchanged glances and Wayde blushed slightly. Ailen winked at her and Callum just awkwardly smiled. A hand spun her around just as she passed the Ravenclaw table. She was met by hazel eyes that bore into hers, and she felt slightly intimidated as she realized who it was, but still kept an emotionless face: Tom Riddle. They had some kind of history once, they 'dated' which wasn't dating whatsoever. 

Tom Riddle's version of dating is unacceptable.

They shag all the time, sneak about, but he never loves them. Ever. He just uses them for satisfaction then dumps them when he gets bored of her. He eventually finds someone else to fuck and it all loops all over. Wayde was also a bit like this, except he just fucked someone once and never talks to them again. It pissed her off a bit but she would never let him know that. Everyone was intimidated by her, and they respected her. Tom had the exact same respect, he was intimidating. He never got intimidated by anyone at all, whereas Sirena got intimidated by only one person: Tom. His hazel eyes filled of darkness, the paleness in his skin hiding layers of secrets, his perfectly styled hair concealing his pretty face and that stare he gives you that makes you want to shrivel up and go into a hole.

"That skirt's a bit short, d'you not think? You look like a little slut. Do you crave the attention of boys here? Do you dream about having sex with every last one of them? Because right now everyone is staring and you look like a fucking whore," he whispered in a husky tone. He didn't know it, but his words didn't hurt; they turned her on. She had a major degrading kink and had to bite her lip, so as not to say anything she's regret.

"Fuck. You," she snapped at him, enunciating the two vicious words as she turned around and headed towards where her friends were. By now they were chatting again and as she sat down, a body also sat down next to me. She turned her head and saw Tom. She turned to Wayde and he saw how uncomfortable she was. He looked unsure of what to do, but then he looked into her eyes and down to her lips and she mirrored his actions to him. As they both leaned forward, their lips met and moved in sync. His tongue slid into her mouth and they stayed kissing for a further 10 seconds until she heard a loud scoff and shuffling away from her. She pulled away and saw Ailen and Callum laughing and cooing, "Ship!" they both chuckled and she groaned.

He stared at her, then turned to them, "We're just fucking friends. I only kissed her because that Tom guy looked to be making her uncomfortable. I'd never actually like her or kiss her," he grimaced, taking a look at her face then looking away.

Sirena's POV:

"Wow. First I get slut-shamed then get told I'm ugly, thank you, a lot. You know I only just started feeling confident. After 6 years of being in this ridiculous school where I've always been degraded I only just started feeling confident, again: thank you," I smiled at him sarcastically as I got up and ran out of the Great Hall. Even though maybe sometimes being degraded turned me on, when it was him it didn't. The way he says it is hurtful and sticks with you. As I got down into a dark, isolated corridor, footsteps pattered behind me. I turned my head and was disgusted at who I was met by: Tom fucking Marvolo Riddle! What a stalker.

"Aw, someone upset by the truth?" he mocked me, strutting over so he was stood right in front of me. "Can't handle it? Well then you need to grow up, fucking slut."

"Stalker much?" I laughed shortly at his selfish comments. "You follow me down this hall just to degrade me? That's very stalker-ish. So why don't you go away and leave me the fuck al-" I snapped but he cut me off. 

"Darling, don't finish that sentence. I assure you it won't land you somewhere good. You will get so fucking punished you can't get out of bed for a week. You wouldn't want that, would you, Sirena? No, so shut up. Whore," he said, his thumb going over my bottom lip.

I bit my lip in order not to snap back and find out what this punishment could be, "Salty that you've been called out, Tommy?" I chuckled, brushing his thumb away from my mouth.

He hardened his face and furrowed his eyebrows as he pushed me back against the wall and his hands wrapped around my throat. "Don't fucking call me Tommy, would you prefer the nickname Siren. No, it's fucking weird. In fact, don't call me Tom. You don't deserve the privilege of my first name coming out your big fucking mouth, darling, so shut up," he snapped. 

Before I managed to blink, we had somehow apparated to his dormitory. He pointed his wand at the door and muttered under his breath: Muffliato. "Don't backmouth me, Siren. You will regret it," he smirked, staring at down at me, since I was short for my age. His breath fanned against my face as he looked down at me with eyes wide and a face filled with anticipation. "You will get fucking punished. Ring a bell?" he smirked mischievously. 

{A/N: Y'all get ready for my next part it's... not what you think ;)}

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