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I'm an idiot.

Yes, we know, Aria.

Shush your thoughts and let me continue.


I'm going to be making some changes to this book before I continue writing. The biggest change being that I'm switching over to third person POV instead of first. It'll still be from Maxwell's point of view, just...third person style, I guess you could say. So if you have this book in your library and find earlier chapters being updated, it just means that I edited it (not officially edited, this is still technically a first draft).

The second change is that I've decided not to be low-key with the Christian theme anymore, so the entire plot is going to be dReNcHeD with Christianity. Sorry, non-Christians. XD I mean, you're still welcome to read it, of course, know. Anyway.

So yeah, those are the two major changes. I thought I'd let you all know before I get around to actually making these revisions. 

God bless!

-The one and only, really interesting alpaca, Aria (who's also an idiot) ;)

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